Thursday, April 26, 2018

hall of mirrors

One figure jumped straight out at me from this week's sepia saturday prompt photo. the elderly lady above (in black )looks very much like my great-grandmother from Perth in Scotland
 I never knew what she looked like until I found an old 4 inch X 4 inch negative among my Mum's effects after she died in September 4 th 2008. I developed that negative. It was rather disturbed by it at the time.

Now I know that genetics pass on similar physical features. But this was more , this lady looks identical to my Mum (albeit , a rather austere version).
The woman in black in the prompt-photo isn't identical in the same way...but certainly near enough to comment on ..................
My Mum, the year before she died.
San Francisco; November 16, 1980


savannah said...

Strong resemblance! We can't get away from family, right? xoxo

La Nightingail said...

There does seem to be quite a resemblance between your great-grandmother and your mother! Not sure about the woman in the prompt picture, however. Possibly a little bit - but then you would have much more of a feeling for that. :)

Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Quite a resemblance. I wonder if they looked as much alike when they were younger? I notice with myself and my friends and their siblings, they look more alike as they age. Everything sags in the same way.

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

This post resonated with me as I lost my Mom last month. There certainly is an incredible resemblence between your great-grandmother and your Mum! I wonder whether your great-grandmother's photo was taken around the same time as the prompt picture...the coats/collars are so similar.

tony said...

Molly I am sorry for your loss X Helen Yea! I seem to have turned into my late-Father ! Nightingail maybe it was the coat in the prompt!!!!! Savvy Yes! our Family follows Us not visa-versa!

Mike Brubaker said...

I've never understood the cliche comment about newborn babes: "Ooo, he/she looks just like...!" Babies change so quickly and lack any patina of age, so who can really know? But as we mature the likenesses come out and only then do we really see the ancestor that slumbers in our genes.

Kathy said...

Yes, that is quite a resemblance. I never really looked like my mom - until middle age, when I looked in the mirror and she was looking back at me!

Kristin said...

Good music and yes, they look alike.

via GROK !