Friday, February 01, 2019

you will never be as sexy as me........

Between ages 10 & 12 I used to go to a second-hand record shop up Haley Hill in Halifax ( next door to a 'temperance bar' )to buy Buddy Holly records.
 He was my first 'rock god'. (de-throned in 1965 by Bob Dylan)
 I liked Buddy's style. geeky-ugly:awkward;shy. The complete opposite of Elvis . Elvis's  whole style seemed to me "you will never be as sexy as me'. Not what a 10 year old yorkshire lad needs to hear.......

 Holly was more a big brother & friend to me than a competitor.( and 100% better musician IMHO)
Anyway.tomorrow ( 3nd February) is the 60th year since Holly died in that plane crash.
again today. i found these two photos on the sepia saturday
theme of "hats" & "men walking"... *just* about scraped it!? 
(Plus a "bonus track" we see Buddy, Jerry Lee Lewis & The Big Bopper walking to a plane )


La Nightingail said...

Some great photos here and remembrances of a young man's musical hero! I wasn't much interested in rock & roll and popular artists associated with it when I was a teen. I enjoyed dancing to their music at sock hops and proms, but spent any extra money on light opera and movie musical records as that's the sort of thing I sang.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyable to listen to the recording while viewing your finds of Buddy Holly and hats.

Mike Brubaker said...

That song has the same quality of a busker singing it somewhere in a tube station on the underground. "The Day the Music Died" was perhaps the worst tragedy in music history. There was so much promise in Buddy Holly, as well as Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson. That potential of music-we-will-never-know created a mythology in rock & roll culture not unlike the shortened lives of Mozart, Schubert, Chopin, et. al., in classical music.

Wendy said...

Two posts in one! Your comparison of Elvis and Buddy Holly is spot on~

Tattered and Lost said...

Is that "THE" plane? As I recall they flew out at night in a storm so obviously this wasn't taken that day, but I wonder if that is the plane. I seem to remember it was a smaller plane

tony said...

Your right , it was a smaller/'lighter' plane in which B.H. died..
The one in the photo was from the previous year,with different (uncrashed!) passengers

via GROK !