Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stan Brown

Stan Brown died this week.
 Me and Phil were in the same class as Clare Hall ,Halifax
His funeral is at Elland Crem on Thursday 13 Feb 
We came like this  in Halifax tonight to mark a passing.................. 


Jane Wilson said...

Hello Tony, Many thanks for your wonderful photos & documentation of The Gallery & Studio at The Lawrence Batley Theatre. What a lovely surprise to find this treasure trove of images. I’m sorry I wasn’t in the Studio on the day you visited but I will look forward to seeing you in the future. Barbara & I work in The Studio Tuesday & Thursday but we are flexible. After looking at your other posts I think you would be interested in my brothers work. He is an artist in Sarlat, France & his name is Adrian Kenyon.
Many thanks again, much appreciated & hope to see you soon,
Jane Wilson
Artist in Residence @ The Lawrence Batley Theatre, Huddersfield.

tony said...

Hi Jane
Thanks for you visit here
I would love to know more about your brother's work
Hopefully we can meet at The Studio soon.
Best Wishes

tony said...

Adrian's website . Good Stuff! I see he's on facebook too.

my facebook this week........