Monday, June 15, 2020

in the woods today, below King David's house.

Please read"The Gallows Pole" 
The story of 'King David'  and the Yorkshire Clearances.
We did  it to ourselves well before we did to others...

Below a slideshow of all the images I have taken over 3 months during Covid.
These images begin on March 13 th in Bury at the last live gig I went to ( with Don & Margaret) 
.....and up to today's photos.
 I'm not sure what they show, other than my obsessive nature .Make of them what you will. If you cant be arsed watching, instead, here: is a fixed link to the whole Circus.


savannah said...

Great photos and an excellent photo diary of where you live. xox

tony said...

Thank You Savvy X
Much Love

Kristin said...

Makes me feel I should be roaming around taking photos. But I won't be.

my facebook this week........