After month's of very little , suddenly all sorts of stuff has been happening these past days...
◙ It was Cath's Birthday today.
◙ I had my second Covid jab on Wednesday.
◙ I have also seen the Practice Nurse at my GP's about a goiter-type thingy on my neck.
◙ I am having blood tests next week and the week after ( 2nd June) I have a 30 minute appointment at the EN&T Department at Calderdale Royal Hospital . I'm thinking...maybe even hoping, it's 'just' a thyroid affair...I mean it's not hurting or any other symptoms...I only went to the GP because of the vanity of how it looked..saying that , i have felt a bit ' rundown ', but that's about it.
◙ The day afterwards ,Thursday 3rd June, i have booked a session at Harrogate Turkish Baths . My first sweat in 15 months!
◙ On Friday 4th June I go to this gig ( again my first since covid lockdown) .It's run by Richard Walker , who i used to work with at Calderdale MBC,