Saturday, December 24, 2016

notes from an orphan

Tu Spoczywa 
Wladyslaw Zimnoch 
(14th Feb 1917-26th Dec1984)

Boxing Day 1984: Me & Cath   are in Marrakesh.
I recieve a phonecall from my brother Ziggy.
My Dad has suddenly died of a massive Heart Attack.
 Boxing Day 2016 I visit his & my    Mum's grave at Stoney Royd Halifax.
 I dont visit their graves often these days.I stand& wonder , why? The conclusion I come to is ,perhaps ,they are buried deep in my head ,not deep in that ground.
A bit of poetical nonesense.But true none the less........

At Christmas Mass......we sat with our neighbour the TV  actress     Eileen O'Brien 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” ~ Rumi

Me & Cathy took ourselves to Manchester.Mainly to see "Breaking The Code" at Manchester Royal Exchange Theatre.'Was about the life & death of   Alan Turing.I was  well impressed.One  of the best plays i have ever seen.Well   written.Well  acted.
We also went around the Art Gallery & Christmas German Markets.  

You can see all mine & Cathy's photos from  today  here

Friday, October 28, 2016

Dont Forget To Turn Your Clocks Back To 1958 This Weekend.

Phil the X-Fireman gave me today this photo of his   wedding to Val .Over 30 years ago.I was his Best Man.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Israr in Palestine

My mate Israr Hussain ( Crossley Heath Class of 1988)  is currently in   Palestine .He is posting loads of images from   there (and added too & updated daily) Check them  out here......

He will  be  bringing back  supplies of Palestinian Olive Oil:Soaps & Scents: Dates:etc.
Next month I will posting prices here.Ideal presents for Christmas.