Sunday, November 03, 2019

this week.......

*Update 5th June 2020*
Note : Tolkien's character is not, in my opinion, antisemetic in any fashion . Please click & read   this link: from the Jewish website "Forward" if you don't believe me!
 Also, For a background on Tolkien's "Gollum "  please refer here
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Dominic Cummings

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


photo by Cathy.
Today I asked my Barber
"is this my first Brexit Haircut?"
He doesnt know either.........

Sunday, October 20, 2019

worryingly like the cover of sergeant pepper

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I finally made the stage of Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
(another one now crossed -off  "the bucket list".....)
 Chris Williamson ( MP for Derby North) had some interesting observations about the current shenanigans in Westminister.
He was (of course) there yesterday & then going straight back to Parliament ,from Hebden Bridge, for further adventures tomorrow.....!
As a speaker, he reminds me very much of the late-great Tony Benn (who hated the E.U.) ,I heard Mr Benn   speak in Bury , many moons ago.... 
I have no problem with "Brexit". I might well vote for it myself (next time?) .I am no big fan of the E.U.
But it's Boris & Farage  & Trump i hate .......
Those Posh Boys want to fuck us up the arse.....

Capisci ?

Thursday, October 17, 2019


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i am making a few technical changes here: nothing major &  back to full speed soon!

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Red Brexit: forcin' a light into all those stoned out faces

We will be taking part in this  at the end of the month.
I think it's my 4th tory conference.
I can only find two sets of images (see below).Maybe I dreamt the 3rd one? These bleeding tories seem to have been here forever...i forget...!
Manchester always gets between 50 & 80 thousand on the day.Maybe more this time more ,due to  "Brexit"?
One thing that will be different this time is that I will be carrying a dirty big banner for  Peterloo Hidden Project
around the streets of Manchester. That photo of Me & Cath will be seen by Boris? That 'll teach the bastard!

As to Brexit......
if/when we have a second vote I am coming around to voting "Leave" this time.I voted "Remain" last time.
 As long as Farage/Boris/Trump dont gain from it, I might just be tempted by a "Red Brexit".But whatever I think ,we need to respect the original vote.
I dislike the view of the smug middle classes that leavers are thick.They are just Scared & Angry (come think, so am I ) .
A Labour Brexit (without a  "no deal" ) would work for me, as long as Jeremy Corbyn is in charge of the process.
 I have come to see that some of these ultra-Remainers are a fucking potty as the hardcore Brexiteers.
 The EU is a neo-liberal stitch-up.Maybe fuck the EU but fuck it a Socialist way not a Fascist way.
 We must find a way of respecting the peoples wishes without giving Britain to Trump.
A vote for Boris or Farage is a vote to kill the NHS & free health care.Simple As.
 [end of sermon]
coming to a conference near you soon !