Friday, January 13, 2012

The Road to Sheranozy

1994.Me & Chris on The Road to my Dad's Village in Poland.I love this photo.I always imagined Chris was shyly holding the whole Globe under his arm...........
Uncle Lenny has this new album   out at the end of the month.(And probably a new hat too!)My Dear ßenchers I really am not very well this week... I even cancelled a night out in Halifax last night with Phil The Ex-Fireman & Ken! Totally out of sorts.Cold:Chest:Not Sleeping.......I feel older than Len...........his music fits the bill perfectly!

here are my 2008 photos of Unky playing The Opera House in Manchester.I stood in front of Jarvis Cocker as we went into the auditorium!How Cool was I !
This is a Sepia Saturday post.The Theme this week  is "Hats"As a bonus ,here is me & Chris outside a Mall near Northampton,Massachusetts in 2005.

la vita holiday workshops


Kurt said...

The first time I heard Leonard Cohen was on a TV on a Spanish bus in 1989. He was singing "Take this Waltz," and I was mesmerized. As soon as I got home, I did whatever one did before google to find out who he was.

Wendy said...

Nice little collection of hats and memories. Enjoyed the YouTube very much, hat included.

Linda said...

very cool, I esp like the knit cap that looks like it's aflame

Brian Miller said...

nice...digging your hats little boy has a stocking cap like yours with the flames...the feather one is pretty amazing...

Dominic Rivron said...

I am currently wearing my "happy hat". Everyone should have one. It has magical powers - it can dispel depression (though like all antidepressants it has its limits). Your blazing Northampton hat looks like it might have a similar effect.

Dominic Rivron said...

I am currently wearing my "happy hat". Everyone should have one. It has magical powers - it can dispel depression (though like all antidepressants it has its limits). Your blazing Northampton hat looks like it might have a similar effect.

Martin said...

Good one, Tony. Will be keeping an eye open for Len's new album. Hope you're feeling better, soon.

Jinksy said...

The beanie with the ring of fire is very trendy...

Anonymous said...

Leonard Cohen looks sharp with that hat!

Kristin said...

It wasn't the first time I heard Leonard Cohen but the most memorable was in 1981 sitting at a table in the train station cafe in Norway eating stew with my 11 year old daughter and Sister Peg and hearing a recording of Cohen singing coming from the kitchen.

21 Wits said...

Just love his deep and great beat cool is that, yes, for sure! His hat is great too, but yours is so much cooler! Great post! I can't seem to open Alan's Sepia this week so here is my link! If you want it!

Teresa Evangeline said...

The new Cohen album sounds astounding, what I've heard so far. I'm so glad to be living in this age with this poet-prophet.

Leonard and hats on fire and Chris (your son?)holding the whole world under his arm.... The B&W image of him draped on the chair is really nice, too.

We "can't roll this stone alone."

Bob Scotney said...

I wish I had a beanie like that; it looks as if it's on fire. The Boston hat's a beauty too but I don't think it would suit me.

Anonymous said...

Currently, I only wear a hat to walk or jog the boardwalk. You are having me re-think that.

The first shot is priceless. Perfectly(naturally)lit too.

Tattered and Lost said...

Feel better. It sounds like you have what my dad calls the "creeping crud."

Wouldn't it be great if people convicted of stupid crimes were required to walk around in that last hat for a year as their punishment? We'd see them coming and know to give them a wide berth.

My word verification is "cabless" and I'm imagining should someone be wearing that hat and try to flag down a cab they'd indeed be cabless.

Alan Burnett said...

The hats worn by the Sainted Leonard and his entire band on that recent world tour were wonderful. I was booked to see him in Strasbourg but it coincided with the time he fell off his exercise treadmill and cancelled the concert. By the way, I seem to have caught your man-flu simply by reading your blog.

Akelamalu said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Tony, get better soon. x

Rockmother said...

Hope you feel better soon Tony - chest infections can be very debilitating. I am sort of back blogging and have moved to here:

Wrap up and stay warm.


Zuzana said...

Beautiful images and a fun walk down the memory lane.;) Hope you feel better soon dear Tony,

Little Nell said...

Great memories evoked again by the music. I had a Leonard Cohen album when I was at teacher training college in the early 70s. Songs like Suzanne and So Long Mariannne seemed to chime with my mood at times. But just read the words without the music and it’s poetry. His voice was much lighter and mellower then too.

Unknown said...

I am repeating my comment from yesterday because Blogger has been hiccuping and causing me to disappear though, I know I was here....I especially love the brilliant feathery head dress...looks like Mardi Gras! Hoping you are rising up above the weather and recovering!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Cohen's son has come up with an interesting album as well, and it shows that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

A couple of pics of your Northampton slideshow intrigued me, as it looks like you photographed strangers, but to interesting results.

Get well soon!!

Tom said...

Hey, come back soon! We could make some cool blog posts!

Joanne Casey said...

I love your endless supply of photos, Tony. Makes me want to go for a day out with the camera :)

Nancy said...

Great hat photos! I hope you feel better soon.

savannah said...

feel better soon, sugar! i need to take some pics of all my hats! *L* xoxoxoxo

white rabbit said...

Cheerful sort, Leonard Cohen.

And they complain about lawyers making money out of misery! Where would he have been without teenage angst?

Mind you he is Canadian which is probably some sort of excuse.

Liz Stratton said...

That fedora suits Leonard perfectly. Your post is a sensory delight - great music, great images, great hats.