Saturday, August 23, 2014

our feet get bigger as we get older(who knew?)

A photo of Len presenting me with one of his old string vests.It was to be part of my 'costume' as The Polish Builder in The Village People on a Stag Do in Benidorm

A personal best today!
 I swam two miles in Sowerby Bridge Pool before 930am!
The reason for my being there was that ,next door to the pool, was my NHS Podiatry.I was later visiting for an ingrowing toe nail.
My Foot Nurse  told me that ,as you get older,your feet tend to get bigger.Imagine!
 I told her that it was nice to know that something got bigger when you got older (she looked at me as if I was a bit  soft.......)

These photos I took in Rochdale tonight.Some of the lads from The Rochdale Hamam met for a drink
.A nice night.Thanks for the organisation,Martin (& your photos of Carter Lane Youth Hostel ( where I lost my virginity)
I was sorry to hear about the death of Len from Marsden.
Len fought the 2nd World War in North Africa ,The Middle East  then up the spine of Italy. I knew him in his later years  at The Rochdale Hamam. Rest  Yourself Now, In Peace , Len X


savannah said...

I literally LOL when i read your response to the nurse! ;) xoxoxox

Tom said...

pfft. She didn't slap you?

Ann ODyne said...

'Old Bob' Dylan probably has toenails too and its tricky to imagine him dealing with the physical decay that we do. Forever Young indeed.
Sympathy for your toe pain and accolades for all that swimming.

My Back Pages, i uploaded more of my old photos onto Instagram here