Happy New Year Sepians! This is my first post of 2017
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my Dad (top right) |
I was sat in the sauna at Halifax swimming pool last Tuesday morning.
We got talking about Polish Immigrants to England.
I told them how my dad was Polish.
How ,during WW2 he was based in Scotland.How he was in the Parachute Regiment of the Free Polish Air Force.How he flew with the RAF in
About how he defeated Hitler practically single handed
,my Uncle Gordon was a pilot in the RAF .He was shot down ,and spent 3 years in a fascist prisoner-of-war camp .So it goes.......
I said how my Dad was demobbed but couldnt return to Poland because he had abandoned the Soviet Russian army at the begining of the war and ,because of this ,was technically classed as a "deserter".So it goes......
In 1945 he & my Scottish mum & brother Zyg first stayed in a resettlement hostel near "the moor" in Halifax in the building that is now the club for
The Halifax Old Crossleyians
Dad,Zyg & Mum. |
In 1946 they got their own place on Lord Street in Halifax where I was born in 1952.
I told the blokes in the sauna this because I get fed up of hearing anti-Polish predudice & UKIP lies.To me, Nigel Farage is just another
( children! learn your history...)
An old bloke in the sauna box started telling me his story .He had been a 16 year old lad in 1945.
One day ,during that year's general election campaign ,Winston Churchill came to speak.
Thousands turned out.They packed the bottom of Hanson Lane, right into Georges Square.
At the time , the Bull pub was being constructed.
Exposed steel scaffolding was all over the shop.
The chap in the sauna was stood right near where Churchill spoke.He could see him clearly.
During Churchill's speech ,a bloke with only one leg ( a vet fromWW1 ?) moved gingerly along a high scaffold bar and took a seat halfway along it.
One leg dangling.
They all began to listen to the great war leader & prime minister wannabe 's speech.
Halfway through Winnies talk ,the Vet shouted .
Churchill ignored him and continued.
Then a second time,louder ,the ex-solider cried
Churchill ignored him again .
A third time the man cried out.
But ,this time, Churchill turned and whispered something to an aide stood next to him.
A few moments later two policeman inched across the scaffold .Somehow they removed the man away....
He was taken to Harrison Road Police Station to recieve some sort of
So it goes.......
Read more about Churchill's failure at Gallipoli here :
For more background of Churchill's visit to The Calder Valley in 1945 you can read this report fromThe Halifax Courier:
My thanks to Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion for two photos and this extra text
My dad would have been 100 next month.So it goes........
A pair of bullets that collided in mid air at Gallipoli. Take that! |