Thursday, July 19, 2018

they dont dance like carmen no more.......

we raised a glass to IP —Malaysia: meanwhile....................
Tony T. from the Rochdale Hamam
here , at the begining of the month, I talked about plans to attend the 50th Anniversary of Carter Lane Youth Hostel in London where I used to work.(the old Choirboys School opposite St Pauls Cathedral)
Unfortunately, my son Chris was taken ill while we were in North Wales last week.I thought it best not to travel to London at the weekend.......
A coincidence.One of the blokes who organised the London event  was  Brian Charlton who worked there at the same time as me.
He now owns a Post Office near Newborough Beach in North Wales.
 He invited us down next time we travel to Wales (we do seem to be going there a lot at the moment...dont we..)

 We went for a meal at the Border Rose in Walsden on Thursday night. various tribes from Halifax,Bacup & Halifax.....

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