Friday, September 13, 2019

Red Brexit: forcin' a light into all those stoned out faces

We will be taking part in this  at the end of the month.
I think it's my 4th tory conference.
I can only find two sets of images (see below).Maybe I dreamt the 3rd one? These bleeding tories seem to have been here forever...i forget...!
Manchester always gets between 50 & 80 thousand on the day.Maybe more this time more ,due to  "Brexit"?
One thing that will be different this time is that I will be carrying a dirty big banner for  Peterloo Hidden Project
around the streets of Manchester. That photo of Me & Cath will be seen by Boris? That 'll teach the bastard!

As to Brexit......
if/when we have a second vote I am coming around to voting "Leave" this time.I voted "Remain" last time.
 As long as Farage/Boris/Trump dont gain from it, I might just be tempted by a "Red Brexit".But whatever I think ,we need to respect the original vote.
I dislike the view of the smug middle classes that leavers are thick.They are just Scared & Angry (come think, so am I ) .
A Labour Brexit (without a  "no deal" ) would work for me, as long as Jeremy Corbyn is in charge of the process.
 I have come to see that some of these ultra-Remainers are a fucking potty as the hardcore Brexiteers.
 The EU is a neo-liberal stitch-up.Maybe fuck the EU but fuck it a Socialist way not a Fascist way.
 We must find a way of respecting the peoples wishes without giving Britain to Trump.
A vote for Boris or Farage is a vote to kill the NHS & free health care.Simple As.
 [end of sermon]
coming to a conference near you soon !

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

tiny ruins

Plus latest News on Me & Cath in Manchester on Friday Manchester Evening News
 Me and Cath saw the New Zealand band Tiny Ruins at The Hebden Bridge Trades Club last night.They have toured with  Calexico.So no slackers!
They did this old Love song......

Saturday, August 10, 2019

"In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes........" Andy Warhol

'little guy, really small', wearing fogey clothes and a silver wig. 'He was the perfect sitter.'~ Red Saunders.

On the other side of the road:Leeds Marks&Spencers,Friday.(click for biggery)
Next Friday we are in Manchester during the day/evening.We take part in loads of Peterloo-related activity (eg GMEX 12:30 to 1:30 )
 In the evening the artist photographer Red Saunders is projecting Giant photos of Me & Cathy onto the side of the Bridgewater Hall building.
By sheer chance , a never before seen photo of Andy Warhol (taken by Red ) has been released this week to mark Andy's Birthday ( 5th August ).
See that photo & link to an interview below.
Next Tuesday we go hear New Zealand band "Tiny Ruins" at Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
i gather they are installing a stair-lift in The Trades this week. We can now reach the stars in comfort......


Yesterday we caught the train into Leeds.It's the first time I have been there for 5 years.
The last time i went was soon after coming out of hospital post-pneumonia.
 Both then, and yesterday,  the reason for going was to see Rachael at id. from  the train station) to pick up her famous "Asthma Blend".
Leeds itself is still shit.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

the roar of the greasepaint: the smell of the crowd.

Although this blog continues (forever !) 
my main online presence at the moment in on facebook (very nearly 1K "friends') why not join them at
1.539 'followers' currently.....
(Think of  ßénch as my 'broadsheet' & these others my 'tabloids')
All my slideshow images in this post can be found at: 
The Festival of Childhood

Monday, July 08, 2019

yoko,todmorden fish, doggerland & turkish bath.....

I'm as cynical as the next bloke.
 But I must say I was really 'moved' in Manchester on Thursday .
We attended Yoko Ono's "Bell For Peace' in Manchester Cathedral Garden. Just yards from the Arena Bombings.
Thousands of us people stood together  singing "Give Peace A Chance"
 It might be 'hippy shit' But it's better than 'Boris Shit' or 'Tommy Robinson shit' or 'Nigel Farage shit' .Non?
I think we are simply weary...?

So  ,here are some (infact most) of my photos from the past 7 days.
If you cant be arsed sitting thru this slideshow, click here.....

Saturday, June 29, 2019

little atoms

Wednesday:Me & Cath in Manchester Central Libary in our civvies.
Thursday lunchtime in Halifax with Paul & Ken (pictured left) Looking at this fucking ugly new statue at Woolshops.
see all my photos from this week here: 

Friday, June 14, 2019


6 of my old photos around the theme of church
See other sepia saturday posts  here:

Published by Alan Burnett  . It is nowt  to do with me ( i even had to pay for my own copy!) Any further info can be got from Alan Via:

Monday, May 27, 2019

and wrap it up in a sailor’s knot

Even from her "grave", Theresa May continues to  poison the well!
I voted Labour & still support Jeremy Corbyn 100%
I have dear friends (usually Labour voters) who voted for both The Brexit Party and Liberal Democrats last Thursday.
 Be careful what you wish for my friends..............dont forget Europe's drift to the right (e.g. Le Penn).Ironically, given this was a 'European Election', nobody on the telly has once mentoned "Europe"!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

it was Cathy's Birthday yesterday

Lots of pressies & phonecalls.

"It's good of you to ask me sir To tell you how I spend my day..........." link:

see all the day's photos here
This week ,I've been a little pissed off with the new BBC /HBO Drama "Gentleman Jack" starring Suranna Jones. Now, its (yet another) chance to see Halifax on TV. Great!
But is Anne Lister such a great "Icon"? She introduced coal mining to Shibden. She sent girls as young as 8 to work 10 hours shifts underground.
'Might be worth you reading this  report of how she abused the  poor people of Halifax.
Patience Kershaw reported "."sometimes the miners beat me if i am not fast enough:
I push carts for 11 miles a day. my life is terrible..." 

Not Very Sexy Halifax!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

justice,we will be publically hung in June .

n.b. click image for biggery

Another promotional image from THE HIDDEN TABLEAUX'S PETERLOO MASSACRE 1819 
 You will have to visit Manchester Central Library Friday 7th June - Saturday 28th September 2019 for official full  huge images!Lots of senseless violence guaranteed...........
 As I recall , the promo  above was taken at the end of shooting in Moston on the Saturday afternoon in October with a few of us who were still in costume. that's me in the corner,losing my religion.....
Red Saunders, the man behind this "Hidden " project , (he is a lovely bloke) is the founder of 'Rock Against Racism'.Read about him here--->

Friday, May 03, 2019

King David's Grave.

Because I was helping the Labour Party this week in Mytholmroyd & Luddenden Foot
I didnt have time to finish this post. 
Pop back here next week to read it in  full , once I have time to finish the text.
enjoy the photos & sounds.
Love Tony .
Keep Voting Labour !
my photo of King David Hartley's gravestone in Heptonstall Old Church .


    Odetta: Mandel Hall, University of Chicago Chicago, IL US November 23, 1957

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    why dont théy stop and ßuy somé of our ßéads..?

    A photo i took on Crosby Beach in 2015. fun fact : Gormley's statues were cast in Hargreaves Foundry (behind Holdsworths Mill) in Halifax.

    My apologies to Dominic.
    (i still have the same sofa!)
    Your comment [see above] ,along with the rest of the post ,went 'kapput' tonight !
     This is the reposted, 're-imaginedness of the original. . 

    Friday, April 19, 2019

    pace egg play

    "The name pace is derived from Latin pascha ('Easter') (c.f. the adjective paschal). The drama takes the form of mock combat between the hero and villain, in which the hero is killed and brought back to life, often by a quack doctor. In some the plays the figure of St George smites all challengers, and the fool, Toss Pot, rejoices..........."

    Toss Pot.