Friday, November 07, 2014

there is no flamenco tonight

Me & Cath went to hear the Great American novelist James Ellroy give a talk in Manchester's Dancehouse Theatre'
Earlier the same day (5th Nov) we visited The Sensory War  at Manchester Art Gallery......
 This post's title refers to a notice that was  blue-tac'd onto the front door of the Dance Theater, telling the evenings students that (because James was in town)'flamenco' was off the menu for the night.......!
I was surprised how many people turned up.500+ souls on a wet  cold neon -lit evening....And the art nouveau-noirish decor of the Dancehouse  compounded  the effect  of it all........

(one of several audio clips i recorded in manchester)

Me & Martin & Ken & Bob & Noj & Jim #1 & Jim #2 & John & Tony T. went to Eastern Spice in Hebden Bridge for a meal 6th Nov .(see photos) 

James Ellroy interview: LA Confidential author on promoting books and settling scores {INDEPENDENT}

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.

Somewhere further on down the line,Me & Cath see Simone Felice at The Hebden Bridge Trades Club on the 19th November.[as i write this 2nd Nov you may still be able to pick up a few tickets for the gig here ?]
this is justabout near perfect...
I went into Manchester today with Martin,Jim & Tony T.
 Here are some photos
In the photos below,you may glimpse on several occassions, a couple dancing .
They are not quite as old as the elderly singers.but are they .rehearsing or anticipating?
they danced so beautifully i was spell bound.....
Most of these photos were shot in The Hare& Hounds pub on Shude Hill in Manchester.
(Me & Cath had met Don & Margaret there a few months ago briefly before going onto a gig.It intrigued me then).
I remembered the elderly singers & suggested to the lads we might visit tonight. We had intended only a swift drink then onto the trendy Northern Quarter.....But ,instead we stayed all night.Something quite magical about sitting with these 80 year olds having a ball! We stayed the rest of the night.....

brian wilson singing buddy holly's 'listen to me'.
The next few weeks are quite busy in ebenchshire........
I went up to see Phil the X-Fireman at his house in Siddal.(i see him most weeks)
 He is ok.He has  of course lost a lot of weight (maybe cos he hasnt been drinking for 8 weeks?!)
His 7 week Chemo & Radiotheraphy course in Leeds is now over (no 'results' for a while yet,he reckons) He Sends Everybody His Love.
He drives down to Hebden Bridge on Wednesday 12 Nov to meet me to see  the film 1971
.Its about a British Squaddie in Northern Ireland in 1971, the same year Phil himself was fighting there.It will be interesting to gather  what he thinks about it.
This coming  Wednesday,Me & Cathy go to Manchester's Dancehouse Theatre to watch/listen to a talk from James Ellory (LA CONFIDENTIAL etc).Expect some images & audio?
The day after that , me ,Comrade Ken,Bob,Nodje,Jim#2 ,John.Jim#1 ,Martin & Phil #2 meet for a curry at Eastern Spice in Hebden Bridge.

Friday, October 17, 2014

On The Roman Road

This is a Sepia Saturday post.

Carlisle is a fine fine border city.
Did you know?The Romans never got to Scotland,only as far as Carlisle.Beyond there lies monsters (even makes UKIP scared!)
 Cath & me today moved like Romans.
We took a train journey on the beautiful Settle~Carlisle Line & spent 5 hours in this border city .
We had a Turkish Bath:a Meal:A Museum & A Castle ! Much Joy. Dig my photographs here.....

Because I lived & worked in the East End of London,I have always had a soft spot for the place.
I look at sepia photographs of the Old East End &  feel exiled twofold. Once by 'place':(i now live in The North of England) And once by 'time' .
The 50s& 60s are gone forever i guess?
This week, I first saw these 17 sepia photos ,any one would have fitted the bill.Here is just one example at random. click here to view the rest of David Hoffman's extraordinary exhibition of the Sepia Roman Road 
( This week's prompt asks for " Street traders, roadside artisans, menders, cobblers, tools-of-the-trade...")

Hey Kids!Click ,put on your headphones & listen to some classic Sepia Audio!
Go On ! You know you want to!
Here is Phil Ochs Live in New York; December 15, 1965.Singing "Joe Hill"
its funny,the copyright police have finally found me! They would not let me put a direct link here.!You will have to leave this page to listen to this illegal Phil Ochs recording.It may be "sepia", but its still dangerous!Hurray!

Friday, October 10, 2014

living legends..forever!

Jeff Buckley:Live ; October 11, 1992: Corpus Christi Carol (acapella) (Benjamin Britten) The carol was written in 1504
"One recent interpretation is that it was composed about the execution of Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry VIII, whose badge was a falcon...."{wikipedia}
[n.b. the footbally-challenged might need to know that  West Ham's ground in London's East End is known as "The Boleyn Ground" because ,in those wacky olden-days,she used to go a-hunting there......]

This image was taken in Manchester this week at The National Football Museum   
A Get-Well Present from me to Phil the x-fireman.
Phil is in his 6th week of Chemo & radiotheraphy for throat cancer.
Like me,Phil is a massive West Ham United fan.
On the mug are illustrated Martin Peters,Geof Hurst & Bobby Moore.It reads "Living Legends:Forever"
Phil's mouth is always very dry.He is always wanting fluids.This is practical.
 Phil finishes his treatment in a week's time.I'm hoping eventually he might want/be able to visit the Museum with me once he has more spare time (his NHS treatment takes up 5 full days a week at the moment)The mueum is right next door to Victoria Railway station.Not a long walk for him.
 Phil said last week that all he seems to do at the moment is "sleep & take drugs".I cheered him up (i think) by telling him he was turning into Ken  Before my very eyes........
Dexy's Midnight Runners:Live at Haarlem, The Netherlands; October 27, 1982.
June 18th in Hebden Bridge.Phil,Me,Ken .taken just prior to Phil's news..........

Friday, October 03, 2014

did i see you planting seeds in the forest?

The 4th October is the date in 1941 that Norman Rockwell launched a series of Saturday Evening Post covers depicting Willie Gillis. Rockwell described Gillis as “an inoffensive ordinary little guy thrown into the chaos of war”. Willie made his debut carrying a food parcel and suddenly everyone wanted to be his friend.
This is a sepia saturday post.

I remember hearing on the radio recently about the birth of the movies.When the first "film story" was made. It was about how they never imagined that "Stars" could never possibly be  created.
Quite the reverse infact.It was thought that the audience would never accept the same actor in a different role/movie ever again...Once seen in one context,an actor would never be able to appear again the another film.
 Part of me (the part that thinks about Jennifer Aniston ) regrets this didn't happen.....
 I was thinking about the prompt image to this week's topic. I am going for "facial expression". I wonder when the first photographic smile was.?Not an in situ smile :but a "say cheese "smile. The first time someone realized that this smile would stay fixed forever.The first time someone realized they could be surrounded by shit,but lie about it!
 All very existential really.The first time we smiled at an unknown stranger...
 A possible  problem of course is how to  stop it once you've started.
Look at those tragic celebrities and politicians we see around us today.[The false existential smile that stays fixed forever...I am thinking here about Batman's Joker.....]
So here then dear sepians  is a nice (and relatively rare?) example of a group of people fair oblivious to the camera.
Yes.They know the reason they are there is to be photographed.But they dismiss the camera and  smile at each other instead.We are dismissed!

SILVER RAVEN:Gene Clark - guitar, vocals Michael Clarke - drums Richard Manuel - piano, vocals Rick Danko - bass, vocals Blondie Chaplin - guitar, vocals Evansville, IN; May 15, 1985
(.try to listen towards the end of the audio .Nice to hear both Gene's speaking voice & his mention of Rick Danko......). the Scottish Free State ,lives a rather fine band called Young Fathers.I am really pleased they have been nominated for this year's MERCURY.
 No doubt the winners will turn out to be a group of public schoolboys from Surrey.But never mind ,its brought Young Fathers some richly deserved attention.Remember,I've been blathering on about them for over a year here .They are rather special. (although the american interviewer in this video is a bit of a tit...)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

we followed Rosencrantz to the chippy on Exchange Street.

See all my photos today [here] .
By the way Capo Martin,we went to The Scuttlers Bar off Shude Hill ....../opposite the station & tram stop.Worth a visit sometime?
a fine photo Cath took of the gentle author in The Scuttlers Bar.

  Me and Cathy went to see Maxine Peake's new production of Hamlet at Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre.
It opened late last week.
We went to today's matinee performance[.3 hefty bum-numbing hours.]
Straight after the performance ,as we left the theatre, Rosencrantz (a chick) still dressed in her stage costume of punk leathers,short skirt & tattoos, ran passed us along Exchange Street to the nearby chippy
.The cast would only have a couple of hours before the evening show would start.
Her hunger & urgency was fair enough.
 So far ,the play has only had moderate reviews (3 out of 5 in both The Telegraph & The Guardian although a 5/5 from The Times)
I found it fine myself .
Maybe its the gender thing they had difficulty with?Not only are Hamlet & Rosencrantz chicks..but Polonius and the gravediggers too! I loved those fucking gravedigging babes! Broad Scouse accents & (at the end of the play) one of them breaks into Frank Sinatra's MY WAY!
Generally,to be fair, Maxine is pretty loyal to the story + the Set Design was pretty groovy ! Dr Who sprang to mind!
All in all , a great bouncy play.
 A young lad in the audience sported a Bob Dylan teeshirt..& i must admit ,His Bobness does have something of The Prince of Denmark about him.
 Have I ever told you, in 1972 i went on a Youth Hostel holiday to Denmark & visited Helsinor Castle! Which is more than Shakespeare ever did.........

Saturday, September 13, 2014

he's the hairy handed gent who ran amuck in Kent

It was Ken Kersley's 62 birthday today.We went into Halifax tonight for a few drinks  to examine the Olden Days.......
Here are some pictures of that.......
Happy Birthday Comrade Ken!

 By the way.... Jack The Ripper was NOT Polish !The media,she tells lies..... (read the truth  here)

Friday, September 05, 2014

An Architect's Dream.

The audio is of Kate Bush in London on August 26, 2014.
She is singing
"An Architect’s Dream".

The image is a still from a video I took today on my Hebden Bridge Patio. (for some reason I cant upload it here.You will have to be my friend on facebook to see it,I'm afraid)  The video is of an Ice-Bucket Challenge i did.The money is for Cancer Care.
Phil the x-Fireman's daughter Rowena asked me to do it.
Phil himself has cancer.He started a 5-week radiotherapy & chemotherapy course of treatment this week at NHS Cookridge:Leeds .
Please pray for him.
[ps Thanks Clive :the Polish CD arrived today,Much Thanks Sir.] 
If anybody wants the entire 3cd set of Kate Bush's opening night,just let me know & i will run you off copies.(This includes 2 video clips!)
.Never Forget ,All Property is Theft!
 I was a bit bemused by all the media hype about her  last week.
You would have thought that Nick Drake or Jeff Buckley had been brought back to life! 
I like the lass well enough.(but  ,why no Northern Dates?)
To me,she is Peter Gabriel in Frock  (this is not a bad thing........)
+I suspect she is one of Cameron's Babe's .Non? 
Saying That,if someone had have given me a free ticket,I would have gone see her! In any she is Climbing That Hill

Friday, August 29, 2014

now all the bonny birds have wheeled away

Danko, Fjeld & Andersen: Live at Skitz & Roll, Bagno di Gavorrano, Italy, December 4, 1994. {source:}

Saturday, August 23, 2014

our feet get bigger as we get older(who knew?)

A photo of Len presenting me with one of his old string vests.It was to be part of my 'costume' as The Polish Builder in The Village People on a Stag Do in Benidorm

A personal best today!
 I swam two miles in Sowerby Bridge Pool before 930am!
The reason for my being there was that ,next door to the pool, was my NHS Podiatry.I was later visiting for an ingrowing toe nail.
My Foot Nurse  told me that ,as you get older,your feet tend to get bigger.Imagine!
 I told her that it was nice to know that something got bigger when you got older (she looked at me as if I was a bit  soft.......)

These photos I took in Rochdale tonight.Some of the lads from The Rochdale Hamam met for a drink
.A nice night.Thanks for the organisation,Martin (& your photos of Carter Lane Youth Hostel ( where I lost my virginity)
I was sorry to hear about the death of Len from Marsden.
Len fought the 2nd World War in North Africa ,The Middle East  then up the spine of Italy. I knew him in his later years  at The Rochdale Hamam. Rest  Yourself Now, In Peace , Len X

Saturday, August 16, 2014

behind garden walls

Evinize gelen yeni bireyden ötürü sizi kutlarız!
I hear from Ayse that she gave birth in Montreal this week! Welcome Baby Zehra ! Much Love From Tony   X

A wee timeline to inform this post:
*February 16th 1968 saw The Beatles,Mike Love,Mia Farrow,Donovan travel to India to visit Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Rishikesh.

*July 12th 1968 saw The Belfast Orange March .(which was to be the last trouble-free  march for 30 years)

*5th 1968  saw the start of Northern Ireland's "Troubles": {"The Troubles:1968-1998"}

My brother Ziggy gave me & Phil (the X-Fireman) a lift in his car to catch the Heysham -Belfast ferry. It was 1968.
This was my second holiday without my Mam & Dad.The previous year, 5 of us from School had hired a caravan in Great Yarmouth.
This time only me & Phil.  As i write this I realize that , for the first time , Belfast was the  only occasion we have ever been abroad together.He nearly came to my house in Italy a couple of years ago..but because of his mother's illhealth ,had to cry off at the very last minute .)
Anyway......I knew nothing about Northern Ireland politics..I didn't know it was going to blow up only months after we had been there.
In fact Belfast harbor itself 'blew my mind'.A big beefy Policeman glared at us as well walked off the ferry.A big fat gun on his hip....It looked more like a Chicago mobster movie to me...I felt like Elliot Ness on a Mission....
Phil's dad Bob was a Protestant Ulsterman.  His family lived on the Shankhill Road. Phil had never been before,so we had to walk with our rucksacks through the terraced streets .They all still had the archways & bunting & dates& King Billy scrawled on walls from the previous month's Orange March......Seriously fucking weird.
Phil had primed me beforehand."Dont talk about religion" "tell 'em your CofE";We were hitching from Belfast to Dublin afterwards.The agreement was we swapped religion at the border.
(Strangely.Phil would join The British Army a couple of years later & patrol those same borders again.)
His family made me very welcome .Being both Cof E & an English accent gave me browny -points i guess..........
After as couple of days we set of out of Belfast.Camping &hitching our way to The Free State.
Eventually we got to Dublin.Staying in a Youth Hostel opposite Mountjoy Prison
After that we walked inland........eventually  staying  in a pretty rural Youth Hostel on the other side on Bray.It  had a   Graveyard  with  bodies of Germany Navy sailors from World War 2.
we stayed for several  days R&R....& meeting new arrivals.  It was like a scene from Easy Rider! This American dude & beard rode his motorbike into town with a very young girlfriend in tow (she must have been 10 years his minor).
The Irish wife of the hostel warden was scandalized ( she looked like the housekeeper from Father Ted).But she let them stay a night (saying something to the effect of 'Good Riddance' as they rode off into the horizon the following morning)
He was a really friendly bloke.Said they were from California .They were just touring Europe for a few weeks on their own.
Thing was.He looked like Mike Love from The Beach Boys.We were too shy to ask him more......Now this may have been an opportunity missed?But ,on the other hand, our silence then allowed us to dine out on the possibility ever since!
A few weeks after returning to England, i happened to be reading in the NME that Mike Love had spent August 'holidaying in Europe'.......who knows? Perhaps....? From this distance , its nice to imagine that Me & Phil might have had a couple of walk-on parts in the The Californian  Dream.
Phil The Pre-Fireman  in 1966

Say a prayer to any gods you know.My best friend Phil is going through hard times at the moment.I have known him since we went to school together in 1963. He is like a second brother to me.I have many tales to tell.Watch this space! The Summer of 65 ,on hearing I was going with my family to relatives in Poland,he asked me to "Bring Back A Piece Of The Iron Curtain".I have been trying to do that for him ever since.......we shall call it unfinished business..
{. Sandy Denny & Fairport Convention: Like An Old Fashioned Waltz :Live at Clark University, Worcester, MA; April 27, 1974. }

Ken,Tony ,Phil & Iris: This Afternoon in Halifax.
Some photos [here] from this special meeting today in Halifax.Much Love is Here. No doubt,I will talk later about this all .....