Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sometimes Hebden Bridge tries too hard:Sometimes it becomes a parody of itself..........

here are some random photos taken in Hebden Bridge today.
+Me and Cath went to the Birchcliffe Centre.Can I say some nice things about PoesCeramics.Very Good & Very Well Priced.Buy ALL Your Christmas Presents from them this year!

Friday, June 27, 2014

cant find my way home.

Really Nice To See Bob from Bacup  & Noj & John & Jim in Hebden Bridge at The Eastern Spice with Ken & Phil the X-Fireman.Thank You All.Again soon I think. I am blessed with friendship.

The main audio is Steve Winwood recorded Live at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Telluride, CO; June 20, 2014.Just 7 days ago!{An old Blind Faith song ,as I recall....] The second audio here (press to play) is Fleetwood Mac/ Peter Green live in New Orleans,; January 30, 1970.Who knows where the time goes...?
Finally. I've been really interested in Edinburgh's Young Fathers.They first appeared to me in January.They are so good.I love everything about them.
They are trying to break America.Good Luck Guys!The Music they make is rather special........If you like what you hear,give me a shout & I will run you off a copy of the latest album.The ghost of Jackie Leven lives on!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I'm Ready To Go Anywhere........

Image by Arthur Tress.
Audio by  The Byrds
Me & Phil the X-Fireman and Ken went supping in hebden Bridge on 18th june 2014. Here are some photos.....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

the small man builds cages for everyone.~Hafiz خواجه شمس‌‌الدین محمد حافظ شیرازی‎

"The past is not just a foreign country, but also one we are all exiled from. Like all exiles, we sometimes long to return. That longing is called nostalgia. Whether it is triggered by a photograph, a first kiss or a treasured possession, nostalgia evokes a particular sense of time or place. We all know the feeling: a sweet sadness for what is gone, in colours that are invariably sepia-toned, rose-tinted, or stained with evening sunlight.

The term “nostalgia” was coined by Swiss physicians in the late 1600s to signify a certain kind of homesickness among soldiers. Nowadays we know it encompasses more than just homesickness (or indeed Swiss soldiers)......." {read more}
{Don ;a mile & a half today in Halifax swimming pool! a personal best! hurray!}

I'm "off-on one" again........This,I can confidently say, is the only blog in the whole wide world that you will ever experience (in a single post!)  combined memories of 1960/70/80's Rugby League: an audio of good+rare live  Americana music (the late Levon Helm):the existential angst of late 17th century Swiss soldiers: 14th century Persian poetry:the early days of Dr Who; a critiqe of British kitchen sink movies of 1963;a positive Muslim spin (in these rather stupid Islamaphobic days.....) :and good toilet etiquette while visiting the Ladies in Asda's loo in Halifax.Good for me ...Hurray!
Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muhammad Hāfez-e Shīrāzī (Pesian خواجه شمس‌‌الدین محمد حافظ شیرازی‎), known by his pen name Hāfez (حافظ; also Hāfiz; 1325/26–1389/90), was a Persian poet.
His collected works are regarded as a pinnacle of Persian literature and are to be found in the homes of most people in Iran. who learn his poems by heart and use them as proverbs and sayings to this day. His life and poems have been the subject of much analysis, commentary and interpretation, influencing post-fourteenth century Persian writing more than any other author...........[ wikipedia]
This Sporting Life:Rotten Tomatoes

Richard Harris & Dr Who  in the movie "This Sporting Life" which was filmed at Thrum Hall.

You can  listen here to The Rugby League Oral History Project's entry on Thrum Hall. .
Maybe you might also read the wikipedia entry on Thrum Hall.
When Alan described this week's Theme, he suggested it might be "...... one thing on top of another. It's straight lines fading into infinity. It's the stations of the cross. It's whatever you want it to be...".
I chose to interpret it  as this one   location, but at  different times.
The composition of these photos are by no means exact .for example,they are not at  the  same angle.But they are near enough.(nb had i stood today in  the exact spot, I would have had to whip my camera out & stand  ontop of  a toilet  seat in Asda'a Ladies lavvy!)
Its all quite near enough tho.The terrace housing you see in the 3nd photo is part of the same terrace you also see in the 4th photo.
The 3nd  photo was taken in 1979.The 4th photo i took this afternoon at Asda supermarket in Halifax.
Objectively, 2 totally different scenes.Only someone old enough to remember the Thrum Hall Rugby League ground would know it had ever been there.
I find it very strange how my architecture keeps evaporating.I always expected people I knew to die and disapear from me .I never (for some reason) expected my physical world to disapear like smoke too..
(I've already mentioned here the importance of Thrum Hall to me. ...........)
n.b. this was a pre-season summer "friendly" game.Hence the weeds & sparse bodies. The ground's capacity & highest attendance was 29,000.

This is a Sepia Saturday post.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

I've seen Pretty people disappear like smoke..............

A cool couple of days.I went to see John Renbourne & Wizz Jones at the Band on The Wall in Manchester on Thursday night with Cath,Don & Margaret.
Then on Friday me & Cath went to Sowerby Bridge for a Work's knees-up. Some pictures. Clive.Thanks for the mail.I will reply & also send three Blackbushes!

Friday, May 30, 2014

“I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.” ~RUMI.

[ to  read more about the mighty Muslim Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ]
Meanwhile.........Sepia Halifax Gives You A Permanent Wave............
This is a Sepia Saturday post.
Lets not talk about why I'm not posting much words & thinking here at the moment!
 I,m not sure why! But-hey!-I'm here today.......[smiles]

Photo Cube

This week's Sepia Topic is "Hair".And here is mine.I guess I wore it long between around 1971 to 1978.The  colour photo above is of me at Lancaster Uniy in 1978.(I look a bit of a plum.'Was still stoned from the night before-as i recall........)
The black & white ones (in the cube) are inbetween  i.e.the end of my time nursing in Todmorden:Youth Hostel Wardering in London; & at college in Liverpool 73-77.
It still stayed long post 78 but was in severe retreat!

By the way, If your Stateside, I know you sometimes get British TV series. If a show called "Happy Valley" . appears anytime, try and catch it.It's rather good good! Plus its shot 100% on Location in Calderdale (Halifax,Hebden Bridge,Sowerby Bridge,et all) If you like the photos both me & Alan share (eg the one above) you can see more here.
"Halifax Noir" I believe the future may call it (thow nose).......

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I used to make phantoms I could later chase ........

If you wish to see these images all together Click Here

It is Cathy's birthday today.
On the strength of which,we caught the  train to Manchester  for a meal & a look around.
If we had known the weather would have been so hot ,'have gone somewhere greener& cooler.
Shame on you, BBC weather forcasters! The sooner UKIP get in Power & give us back our English weather the better!
Here are some photos from our visit to The Peoples History Museum and The John Rylands Library :[Both New To Cath.]
The only sadness of the day was our sweaty walk to The 8th Day veggie cafe near the Uniy on Oxford Street.Rubbish.Avoid like the plague.It nearly spoiled the day.....

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Walk Like A Giant.

The Government wants to close my local Accident&Emergency Unit in Halifax.
I went on a March yesterday to protest.
Here are some photos I took.
Neil Young joined the protest in my head.........
*Also in my head was the thought that we passed within 100 yards of the birthplace (in 1900) of Halifax's greatest author/soldier/Marxist , Ralph Winston Fox on Rawson Avenue.*

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the travellers rest .

Sometimes it simply is not your fault.You dont change, yet change still happens all around you anyway.But,as the I Ching would say :"No Blame".
On  odd occassions (since the demolition of The Rochdale Hamam) I now stop off at St Peter's swimming pool in Burnley for a sauna.Its actually part of the NHS Trust.It's a newish complex.
I cant say I care for the sauna there too much.The facilities are fine enough.Big steam room:Big Swimming Pool:Big Sauna:Big Jacuzzi.But ,typically,the  architects & designers forgot about the most important (yet most intangible ) thing.The sociability of the people who  use a building!
The experience for me there is spoiled by the lack of les Craic.
For me,the best saunas or turkish baths are those where people  sit in a communal area..face to face, and talk.Much like a good pub (minus clothes& alcohol!)
Burnley has none of that.All you get is a long horizontal row of plastic chairs outside the sauna& steam.With your back pressed against  a large glass brick wall that backs off to the swimming pool.You see nothing but a wall facing you.You dont even have  enough room to  stretch your legs.
It's like some  clinical waiting room corridor.No good at all for talking (your more likely to get whiplash than a conversation from such daft  poses......)The seats are squashed so tightly together you couldnt even move them (even if you had somewhere to move them too) .
Its strange how a building design hampers behaviour.Its almost designed to stop people staying too long......
Anyway.On Tuesday night I took this photo from the  car park there.Another example of buildings not being able to talk to one another?
The reason i took the photo is my interest in  "Ghost Signs"
Can you makeout the word  "HOTEL" ?
Yet you cannot  access this building  from the car park.The iron ladder you see runs to a deep,dark narrow canal below.......with no bridge across to it.
Who the hotel was actually meant for,I do not know.The other side of the building is now fast foods On t'other side , it  runs onto a dual carriageway .
Perhaps in the Olden Days  different roads & different buildings might have interested a person to rest their head .... sadly not any more...........

This is a sepia saturday post.
"...dancing, folk traditions or very silly poses..." is the prompt this week.Here you see one of my Aunt Brenda's Essex College photos from the 1920's.I dont recognise Brenda in it.Perhaps she was behind the camera....?
On Monday I attended the funeral of my neighbour of 28 years,Paul (pictured below).
A humanist service.Not a vicar ,priest or wreath in sight.
The service was led by Eileen O'Brien an actress who also lives on our road.
Anybody who is familiar with British telly will recognise her she's been in Coronation Street:East Enders;Brookside;Emmerdale.
The Service was very moving.Standing room only at Park Wood Crem.
No hymns or suchlike.Rather about a dozen or so of Paul's family & friend read out their favourite memories of his life.
(I must say, I would be intrigued if my funeral was like this.i dread to think what might be said!)
The music for the service included the Sandy Denny song Who Knows Where The Time Goes. And Tom Paxton You are Love.

Friday, April 18, 2014