Thursday, January 30, 2020

Stan Brown

Stan Brown died this week.
 Me and Phil were in the same class as Clare Hall ,Halifax
His funeral is at Elland Crem on Thursday 13 Feb 
We came like this  in Halifax tonight to mark a passing.................. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

in Occupied Todmorden today

"Journalist Aran Tori travels across Britain tracking down the nation's Far Right Extremists. The combination of BREXIT and Donald Trump presidency has empowered the Ultra Nationalist cause, leaving communities more divided than ever. Aran enters the world of White Nationalism with a friendly curiosity and open approach, reflecting on his own beliefs of British identity."  Photograph taken in Liverpool yesterday by

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Music For A New Decade.

May I wish all you ßénchers a Happy 2020.
Thank You for your vigilance*
Here is some music to speed you into a new year.
Van Anh Vo leading a performance of "Ghost Riders in the Sky" on a dan bau in Vietnam in 2012.
I especially like her backing band playing those Psychedelic Ironing Boards.Is this the future?
*regarding the " vigilance".Who is that sneaking around the corner in June 2019 in Manchester Central Library?


after the goldrush

"To mark our 500th call you are invited to return to your favourite Sepia Saturday contribution and re-share it with the world". 
This is a sepia saturday
post and below is a re-post of mine from 14th January 2010.
Photo from Aunt Brenda's album.

More uploads from my family's history here.............more info shortly.........Yesterday,.I met My Brother Zyg with Cathy & my Sister-in-Law Jean at The Bear in Todmorden.We had Lunch &; he gave me several Newspaper cuttings relating to Our Family's presence in North America. (not read them yet!) +137 more photos to share including the one above..........It's kind of tricky sharing & scanning these photos as they are both small & stuck in a photo album.I dont want to damage anything so i will take my time to copy them safely........
Here are the first batch I've uploaded.Something I never knew, My Aunty Brenda was born in Canada. My Grandfather moved there in the early 1900's "looking for gold" :"goldpanning" Whatever........I will give you more detail when i understand it more myself.
I have a postcard from Canada.Later my Grandfather must have moved South, hence these photo from Saranac Lake in upstate New York. .
I have been sharing these photos on facebook with Historic Saranac Lake
Turns Out It's Not Connected with Robert Louis Stevenson.But Interesting,None The Less (just mere coincidence a Family member returned?)......
.Sorry I have been AWOL from blogging .will visit you soon!Check Out Alan's Sepia Saturday for other romps !
Photo from Aunt Brenda's album.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Card

Thanks for the card Don & Margaret .I haven't sent mine all out yet!
Sorry for not being in touch recently,
 'will email this week. Love from Me & Cathy.

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Thunderbirds Are Go !

He has the look of a kid who was bullied by a bunch of working class kids. 
Perhaps The Brexit Party today  is his revenge?

Sunday, November 03, 2019

this week.......

*Update 5th June 2020*
Note : Tolkien's character is not, in my opinion, antisemetic in any fashion . Please click & read   this link: from the Jewish website "Forward" if you don't believe me!
 Also, For a background on Tolkien's "Gollum "  please refer here
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Dominic Cummings

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


photo by Cathy.
Today I asked my Barber
"is this my first Brexit Haircut?"
He doesnt know either.........

Sunday, October 20, 2019

worryingly like the cover of sergeant pepper

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I finally made the stage of Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
(another one now crossed -off  "the bucket list".....)
 Chris Williamson ( MP for Derby North) had some interesting observations about the current shenanigans in Westminister.
He was (of course) there yesterday & then going straight back to Parliament ,from Hebden Bridge, for further adventures tomorrow.....!
As a speaker, he reminds me very much of the late-great Tony Benn (who hated the E.U.) ,I heard Mr Benn   speak in Bury , many moons ago.... 
I have no problem with "Brexit". I might well vote for it myself (next time?) .I am no big fan of the E.U.
But it's Boris & Farage  & Trump i hate .......
Those Posh Boys want to fuck us up the arse.....

Capisci ?

Thursday, October 17, 2019


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i am making a few technical changes here: nothing major &  back to full speed soon!

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Red Brexit: forcin' a light into all those stoned out faces

We will be taking part in this  at the end of the month.
I think it's my 4th tory conference.
I can only find two sets of images (see below).Maybe I dreamt the 3rd one? These bleeding tories seem to have been here forever...i forget...!
Manchester always gets between 50 & 80 thousand on the day.Maybe more this time more ,due to  "Brexit"?
One thing that will be different this time is that I will be carrying a dirty big banner for  Peterloo Hidden Project
around the streets of Manchester. That photo of Me & Cath will be seen by Boris? That 'll teach the bastard!

As to Brexit......
if/when we have a second vote I am coming around to voting "Leave" this time.I voted "Remain" last time.
 As long as Farage/Boris/Trump dont gain from it, I might just be tempted by a "Red Brexit".But whatever I think ,we need to respect the original vote.
I dislike the view of the smug middle classes that leavers are thick.They are just Scared & Angry (come think, so am I ) .
A Labour Brexit (without a  "no deal" ) would work for me, as long as Jeremy Corbyn is in charge of the process.
 I have come to see that some of these ultra-Remainers are a fucking potty as the hardcore Brexiteers.
 The EU is a neo-liberal stitch-up.Maybe fuck the EU but fuck it a Socialist way not a Fascist way.
 We must find a way of respecting the peoples wishes without giving Britain to Trump.
A vote for Boris or Farage is a vote to kill the NHS & free health care.Simple As.
 [end of sermon]
coming to a conference near you soon !

On The Subject Of Jacques Brel

Ces gens-là (song)   Read an explanation of this performance   *   Here   *