Friday, August 09, 2013

Invasion of the baby-boomers

Look! your gentle author is now an eco-warrior!

This is a Sepia Saturday post.
This first photo is taken from a private collection of early 70's in Halifax I entitled Invasion Of The Baby-Boomers And why the devil not?

"....all manner of strange or unidentified contraptions. And if you are fresh out of contraptions there is always cars or people sat in ridiculous positions....."
A Family photo taken in upstate New York in the very early 1900's.Taken by my great grandfather.A whole series of these photos can be found here
I have a new flash looking photo album here  .It looks better than before...but I havnt got the hang of the settings yet ..So no photo badge at the moment(does it still have that option?who knows.....I dont!)
Anyway....... ...... here are today's new photos..mostly taken by Cath at Hardcastle Crags where the BBC are filming a new costum drama /follow up to Pride and Prejudice with a host of B-List British tv eg Trevor Eve (who someone once said I looked like.....) & the purty young Dr Who sidekick (joy!)......

PJ Harvey has released a song to highlight the ongoing detention of the last British resident held inside the US prison at Guantánamo Bay. The track, called Shaker Aamer was recorded by the Mercury prizewinning songwriter to help maintain pressure to have the 46-year-old, whose family live in south London, released back to Britain.
Aamer has been detained in Guantánamo for more than 11 years, despite being cleared for release in 2007, and remains imprisoned without charge or trial. He has a British wife and his four children -- the youngest of whom he has never met -- were all born in Britain. They live in Tooting, south London.
The British government has stated repeatedly that it wants him back in the UK and last week, under escalating international pressure, the US announced it is to restart transfers from the prison. Concerns remain, however, that Aamer might be forcibly sent to Saudi Arabia and imprisoned there instead of being reunited with his family in the UK. Aug 2013
Read About Shaker Aamer [Here]

Thursday, August 01, 2013

who is Elegbara?

press play to hear my post
Robert Johnson & Johnny Shines

"In Africa, almost every cultural group has its own version of the crossroads god. Legba, Ellegua, Elegbara, Eshu, Exu, Nbumba Nzila, and Pomba Gira are African and African-diaspora names (in several languages) for the spirit who opens the way, guards the crossroads, and teaches wisdom. ........" [read more about Crossroad Lore Worldwide]
This is a Sepia Saturday post.OK this week's post is about blokes in hats (& indirectly boats).
My photos& Videos from John Billingsley walk in Heptonstall here
"As trickster, Eshu is associated with disorder and destiny in the Yoruba pantheon. As "orisa orita" or "esu orita", orisha of the crossroad or the corners, Elegba represents the transitional or center point of the crossroad where one must make a decision. In this position, Elegba represents all the bewilderment and confusion one faces when attempting to make the proper choice. Once the choice is made, he is involved in the consequences and through his own devices guides us towards and along our proper path....." Who Is Elegba?

a photo i took in 2009 on The Albert Dock in Liverpool.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

61 Bi-Polar Bears (sod the 99 red balloons...)

I am 61 on Tuesday.
If you want to help me celebrate you might want to know I am PAYPAL;WONGA & CHURCH of ENGLAND ®. compliant.
To celebrate my birthday, British Sea Power rode into Hebden Bridge on Friday.(they brought a couple of their Bi_Polar Bears with them!) See my photos HERE

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Madge Davidson

Madge Davidson died at 9pm last night at her home in Halifax.
She would have been 83 in September.
I have known her  since 1963 (she is the mother of Phil).
Rest In Peace Lovely Lady.
 here are some photos from her 80th Birthday...almost 3 years ago.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

England's Dreaming.

A series of 16 short films each detailing a crime of the British monarchy, based on Heathcote Williams' poem "Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy": RB opening - The Sex Pistols argument, Killing an Ibis, Mad Monarchs, Michael X, Harry Trouble, I Danced With A Man, Foot in Mouth, Folk on the Hill, Knighthoods, Milton Gas, Glitter Freeze, Swift Justice, Raj Doubt, Gaunt etc, Koh I Noor, Paine & Thoth/Blake Acres Zappa.

Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy 
“Heathcote Williams has devised a form of polemical poetry that is unique” Peter Whitfield, author of ‘The History of English Poetry’ “I admire a poetry that is no-holds-barred personal and political. Heathcote Williams’ serial poem ‘Royal Babylon in the relaunched International Times is proper political poetry” NIall McDevitt in the Morning Star “It’s a phenomenal piece of work” Jeremy Hardy “Where are the Poetry Police when we need them ?” JC/Times Literary Supplement Above are some of my weekend's photos.

Me in Hebden Bridge
