Saturday, April 30, 2016

ßringing a painting into safety.

My take on this week's prompt ("bringing a painting into safety") is how do we rescue  from our collapsing world what we need to preserve ?ake  personal remains our own....
Sometimes that is harder than it sounds.Solid monuments might dissolve into sand & trickle through our fingers.........

This is a sepia saturday post.

Camille: Live at Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, May 30, 2005.


Helen Killeen Bauch McHargue said...

Welcome back! We haven't tried to save very much on our side of the pond. We just bash it all down and start over again. Saving things take a longer view that we just don't seem to have.

La Nightingail said...

And exactly what DO we preserve? There's another searching question?

Mike Brubaker said...

Indeed what should we preserve? Potholes or paintings or people?
Nice to have you back, Tony.

Tattered and Lost said...

I've reached the point where I think the most important thing we can attempt to preserve is our sanity in an otherwise insane world.

Kurt said...

Many single-family homes in my neighborhood are being replaced by generic 6-unit apartment buildings of questionable quality. It has proved difficult to preserve any local buildings.

Little Nell said...

A pub called The Shoulder of Mutton must be worth preserving I’d have thought - then again, I’ve known historically important ones in my own home town, bulldozed, in the name of progress.

Kristin said...

Nice to see the ability to comment back on your blog :) I have to agree about preserving our sanity, although saving the people is a good idea too.

tony said...

Nice To Be Back ,My Fellow Sepians! What Do We Save? I am a great hoarder ! Lets save EVERYTHING!!!!!