Saturday, January 29, 2022

what was done to Jeremy Corbyn this week was terrible



Kristin said...

What is happening here?
What happened to Jeremy Corbyn?

tony said...

Well it's a long sorry story Kristin .
HERE Here is the best summary of whats happened to him this week .
Basically , he stepped down as the Leader of The Labour Party 2 years ago ( ish) and the new right wing faction that runs the party these days has kicked him out of his own party!
It's like the Democtates expelling Sanders!
Over 200,000 members have either left in protest ,or else been expelled for "Anti-Semitism"

tony said...

should read "Democrats" :)

Mike Brubaker said...

I like Democtates better. No matter where one resides, we all live in damn strange times. It seems not a day goes by that something unexpectedly happens in the world that makes things worst than the day before.

I need to stop by more often, Tony. Your photos and montages are brilliant. Keep well.

tony said...

Thanks Mike , that's very kind of you . I don't spend as much time on blogger as I used to do ( you probably noticed) but I still enjoy this , my " Message In A Bottle" ! :)

my facebook this week........