Saturday, February 16, 2019

this week....
Me & Chris went to Malham on Wednesay.
On Thursday me & Cathy went to Manchester. 
Friday, I went with Phil, Martin & Jim drinking in Manchester,

Friday, February 01, 2019

you will never be as sexy as me........

Between ages 10 & 12 I used to go to a second-hand record shop up Haley Hill in Halifax ( next door to a 'temperance bar' )to buy Buddy Holly records.
 He was my first 'rock god'. (de-throned in 1965 by Bob Dylan)
 I liked Buddy's style. geeky-ugly:awkward;shy. The complete opposite of Elvis . Elvis's  whole style seemed to me "you will never be as sexy as me'. Not what a 10 year old yorkshire lad needs to hear.......

 Holly was more a big brother & friend to me than a competitor.( and 100% better musician IMHO)
Anyway.tomorrow ( 3nd February) is the 60th year since Holly died in that plane crash.
again today. i found these two photos on the sepia saturday
theme of "hats" & "men walking"... *just* about scraped it!? 
(Plus a "bonus track" we see Buddy, Jerry Lee Lewis & The Big Bopper walking to a plane )

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

grayston unity

Me and Cathy were in Halifax tonight at The Grayston Unity to hear John Alker' [pictured] talk on the History of Peterloo. We love both John & the bar!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

in Halifax tonight.

This week's sepia saturday has a "car" theme. This seemed topical !
"the brexit dice game" Halifax tonight

Ken was interviewed on BBC Look North tonight.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I pity the poor immigrant.....

I see the turd has floated back again to the top of the bowl......
One of my favourite Bob Dylan songs, from one of my favourite Bob Dylan albums.
I always consider my Dad when I listen to these lyrics.
: Although I'm not sure (now) that they actually reflect him.....but,on some level. perhaps they do?
 I will let the angels decide that one!
This version is from Robyn Hitchcock.  Recorded on the 27th December 2018 in San Francisco.
You can listen /download  the whole concert  here:
*n.b. All the music you hear here is always copyright free. This is no exception.*
2nd June 2015 me,Cath,Don & Margaret  saw Robyn Hitchcock play live at Bury Met: Photos
Me & Cathy Zimnoch in the pub tonight.

On The Subject Of Jacques Brel

Ces gens-là (song)   Read an explanation of this performance   *   Here   *