Saturday, April 06, 2019

Hidden Project :update #1

Jack Davies and Paul Soanes enact 'The Specials Constables '

Red Saunders  website went 'live' this morning.
Extra stuff will be added by him  as things progress.
On it  you can watch  a 5 minutes promotional video that explains things .
(Me & Cath are featured on this film )
You can also donate to the crowd funding here:
My   own photos from the Moston stage are here 
I will repost as it develops  further .Watch this space! 

Friday, March 29, 2019

in chinatown

Neil (aka 'Nodge') ,who I've known for 20 years.Pictured above.Here he is writing in The Guardian this  February."Project fear:what will Brexit gothic fiction look like"
tv studio lighting can be a bugger sometimes......

Thursday, March 28, 2019

"the moon's a balloon" ( David Niven)

See here: for this week's sepia saturday 
 "Going up and down but never getting anywhere"........ 
In 1972, as Charles Duke was training to visit the moon with Apollo 16, he regretted spending so much time away from his wife and sons.
“So just to get the kids excited about what dad was going to do, I said, ‘Would y’all like to go to the moon with me?'” “We can take a picture of the family and so the whole family can go to the moon.” “I talked with Dotty and the boys about it and they were delighted about having a picture of the Duke family on the Moon,” he wrote in his autobiography, Moonwalker.
 “So one day, Ludy Benjamin, a NASA photographer and good friend, came over to our house in Lago and took a picture of the four of us. On the back of the picture I wrote, ‘This is the family of astronaut Charles Duke of planet Earth, who landed on the moon on the twentieth of April 1972.’
Then we all signed it and put our thumbprints on the back.”
 On April 23 Duke and John Young went exploring with the lunar rover in the Descartes Highlands, and he dropped the photo, wrapped in plastic, onto the surface and photographed it with his Hasselblad camera.
 He left it there. “After 43 years, the temperature of the moon every month goes up to 400 degrees [Fahrenheit] in our landing area, and at night it drops almost absolute zero,” he said in 2015.
 “Shrink wrap doesn’t turn out too well in those temperatures.
It looked OK when I dropped it, but I never looked at it again and I would imagine it’s all faded out by now.”

Saturday, March 16, 2019


The Sepia Saturday post this week has it's theme around "dance". 
But I am shocked by the murder of those poor Muslims this week by white right- wing extremists in New Zealand. 
The world has gone mad.
I have many Muslim friends.I weep with them tonight.
My contribution this week is a selection of photos of  me, around the late 90's  around Halifax.
 They seem very innocent compared with today.....

Read here:

Friday, February 22, 2019

For the Turnstiles

"billboards" !!!
It was warm today in England ( for February )
 So, on a whim ,me and my son Chris jumped in the car at midday & pointed it in the general direction of the West Coast. 
No idea where we were going ,other than "the seaside".
 We later found ourselves on the beach at Hest Bank,Morecambe Bay. Dont worry, I havent heard of it either! Sort of a 'One-Horse Town       [    only the horse must have drowned......? ]
*Crazy ;) *
Anyway.a Nice day.
The temperatures reached 20 degrees (amazing for England in February) And Chris took photos of me & a Ladybird.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Ralph Winston Fox

Nationalism is like cheap alcohol:

 First, it makes you drunk, then it makes you blind, and then it kills you.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

this week....
Me & Chris went to Malham on Wednesay.
On Thursday me & Cathy went to Manchester. 
Friday, I went with Phil, Martin & Jim drinking in Manchester,

Friday, February 01, 2019

you will never be as sexy as me........

Between ages 10 & 12 I used to go to a second-hand record shop up Haley Hill in Halifax ( next door to a 'temperance bar' )to buy Buddy Holly records.
 He was my first 'rock god'. (de-throned in 1965 by Bob Dylan)
 I liked Buddy's style. geeky-ugly:awkward;shy. The complete opposite of Elvis . Elvis's  whole style seemed to me "you will never be as sexy as me'. Not what a 10 year old yorkshire lad needs to hear.......

 Holly was more a big brother & friend to me than a competitor.( and 100% better musician IMHO)
Anyway.tomorrow ( 3nd February) is the 60th year since Holly died in that plane crash.
again today. i found these two photos on the sepia saturday
theme of "hats" & "men walking"... *just* about scraped it!? 
(Plus a "bonus track" we see Buddy, Jerry Lee Lewis & The Big Bopper walking to a plane )

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

grayston unity

Me and Cathy were in Halifax tonight at The Grayston Unity to hear John Alker' [pictured] talk on the History of Peterloo. We love both John & the bar!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

in Halifax tonight.

This week's sepia saturday has a "car" theme. This seemed topical !
"the brexit dice game" Halifax tonight

Ken was interviewed on BBC Look North tonight.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I pity the poor immigrant.....

I see the turd has floated back again to the top of the bowl......
One of my favourite Bob Dylan songs, from one of my favourite Bob Dylan albums.
I always consider my Dad when I listen to these lyrics.
: Although I'm not sure (now) that they actually reflect him.....but,on some level. perhaps they do?
 I will let the angels decide that one!
This version is from Robyn Hitchcock.  Recorded on the 27th December 2018 in San Francisco.
You can listen /download  the whole concert  here:
*n.b. All the music you hear here is always copyright free. This is no exception.*
2nd June 2015 me,Cath,Don & Margaret  saw Robyn Hitchcock play live at Bury Met: Photos
Me & Cathy Zimnoch in the pub tonight.

Friday, January 11, 2019

"Royal train 1905-06 India"

i took this photo tonight in Manchester   My long standing friends  & confidants Jim Stridgen & Ken Kersley.;in the Sir_Ralph_Abercromby Pub

So, I went to Hebden Bridge Antique Centre
and found these 3 train related photos.
See other other Sepia Saturday contributions  here:
"Royal  train 1905-06 India"
"Gierrol a gauehe dces fetits garde"
I have been in Manchester this week. Photos here;

Tuesday, January 01, 2019


Wishing all my courageous readers a good New Year. 
Whatever you wish, may it come true .
July 30th 2018. My birthday. Photo i took outside HOME in Manchester opposite the statue of Engels.
Me, Cathy & Chris in Greece when younger  .Photo taken my my Mum.
Bob from Bacup was in hospital (Blackburn) on Christmas Day. He's back home now. Me & Chris drove up to Bacup this afternoon to see him. I took this photo of  the  astronomy centre
Up on the Tops ,on the way over.................