Monday, May 27, 2019

and wrap it up in a sailor’s knot

Even from her "grave", Theresa May continues to  poison the well!
I voted Labour & still support Jeremy Corbyn 100%
I have dear friends (usually Labour voters) who voted for both The Brexit Party and Liberal Democrats last Thursday.
 Be careful what you wish for my friends..............dont forget Europe's drift to the right (e.g. Le Penn).Ironically, given this was a 'European Election', nobody on the telly has once mentoned "Europe"!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

it was Cathy's Birthday yesterday

Lots of pressies & phonecalls.

"It's good of you to ask me sir To tell you how I spend my day..........." link:

see all the day's photos here
This week ,I've been a little pissed off with the new BBC /HBO Drama "Gentleman Jack" starring Suranna Jones. Now, its (yet another) chance to see Halifax on TV. Great!
But is Anne Lister such a great "Icon"? She introduced coal mining to Shibden. She sent girls as young as 8 to work 10 hours shifts underground.
'Might be worth you reading this  report of how she abused the  poor people of Halifax.
Patience Kershaw reported "."sometimes the miners beat me if i am not fast enough:
I push carts for 11 miles a day. my life is terrible..." 

Not Very Sexy Halifax!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

justice,we will be publically hung in June .

n.b. click image for biggery

Another promotional image from THE HIDDEN TABLEAUX'S PETERLOO MASSACRE 1819 
 You will have to visit Manchester Central Library Friday 7th June - Saturday 28th September 2019 for official full  huge images!Lots of senseless violence guaranteed...........
 As I recall , the promo  above was taken at the end of shooting in Moston on the Saturday afternoon in October with a few of us who were still in costume. that's me in the corner,losing my religion.....
Red Saunders, the man behind this "Hidden " project , (he is a lovely bloke) is the founder of 'Rock Against Racism'.Read about him here--->

Friday, May 03, 2019

King David's Grave.

Because I was helping the Labour Party this week in Mytholmroyd & Luddenden Foot
I didnt have time to finish this post. 
Pop back here next week to read it in  full , once I have time to finish the text.
enjoy the photos & sounds.
Love Tony .
Keep Voting Labour !
my photo of King David Hartley's gravestone in Heptonstall Old Church .


    Odetta: Mandel Hall, University of Chicago Chicago, IL US November 23, 1957

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    why dont théy stop and ßuy somé of our ßéads..?

    A photo i took on Crosby Beach in 2015. fun fact : Gormley's statues were cast in Hargreaves Foundry (behind Holdsworths Mill) in Halifax.

    My apologies to Dominic.
    (i still have the same sofa!)
    Your comment [see above] ,along with the rest of the post ,went 'kapput' tonight !
     This is the reposted, 're-imaginedness of the original. . 

    Friday, April 19, 2019

    pace egg play

    "The name pace is derived from Latin pascha ('Easter') (c.f. the adjective paschal). The drama takes the form of mock combat between the hero and villain, in which the hero is killed and brought back to life, often by a quack doctor. In some the plays the figure of St George smites all challengers, and the fool, Toss Pot, rejoices..........."

    Toss Pot.

    Tuesday, April 09, 2019

    oné hundréd stokérs

    Early on Sunday Me ,Cath & Chris drove to Rawden .
    Cath was attending a Retreat Day at The White Eagle Lodge.
     After dropping Cath off, me & Chris drove to the Russian Baths in Bramley. 
    I went there about 5 years ago. Since then, it was closed by Leeds Council .However it has recently reopened as  a "Community Pool",run by volunteers & goodwill.
     It has a really good vibe. and the locals are breathing the life back into this 1904 Edwardian Bath House. 
    "Russian Baths" is a rather grand title for what is ,essentially, a tiled steam room.
     But maybe ,as beer tastes better out of glass rather than plastic, so steam feels better in tiles rather than the plastic shells modern steam rooms have? 
    Returning,we parked in Rawden crematorium (next to the White Eagle Lodge) And ,while waiting for Cath & her friends to finish , I wandered around the beautiful grounds & took some photos......
    On Monday we all went to Harrogate Turkish Baths. Ive been going there for 30+ years , usually once or twice a year. 
    They monitized it too much these days, but I still find it sweet.
     The attendant today told a story I had never heard before. I dont know how true it is, but it conjures up an interesting image ,for me, that illustrates "Victorian Values"
    The Top Hot Room ( temperature 70C/160F + plus) is heated through its marble floor. In the 19th century this heat came from a coal furnace in the basement below. 
    While the Toffs sat sweating & having their brows wiped by Attendants dressed in servant costumns  ,below ,in the cellars, it took 100 men to be constantly stoking the furnace boilers. 
    Some things dont change!
    By the way , Newcastle Turkish Baths reopens this summer (details  the link below)

    a lady drawing & drinking Harrogate's sulphur water. it's surprisingly warm to the touch !

    Saturday, April 06, 2019

    Hidden Project :update #1

    Jack Davies and Paul Soanes enact 'The Specials Constables '

    Red Saunders  website went 'live' this morning.
    Extra stuff will be added by him  as things progress.
    On it  you can watch  a 5 minutes promotional video that explains things .
    (Me & Cath are featured on this film )
    You can also donate to the crowd funding here:
    My   own photos from the Moston stage are here 
    I will repost as it develops  further .Watch this space! 

    Friday, March 29, 2019

    in chinatown

    Neil (aka 'Nodge') ,who I've known for 20 years.Pictured above.Here he is writing in The Guardian this  February."Project fear:what will Brexit gothic fiction look like"
    tv studio lighting can be a bugger sometimes......

    Thursday, March 28, 2019

    "the moon's a balloon" ( David Niven)

    See here: for this week's sepia saturday 
     "Going up and down but never getting anywhere"........ 
    In 1972, as Charles Duke was training to visit the moon with Apollo 16, he regretted spending so much time away from his wife and sons.
    “So just to get the kids excited about what dad was going to do, I said, ‘Would y’all like to go to the moon with me?'” “We can take a picture of the family and so the whole family can go to the moon.” “I talked with Dotty and the boys about it and they were delighted about having a picture of the Duke family on the Moon,” he wrote in his autobiography, Moonwalker.
     “So one day, Ludy Benjamin, a NASA photographer and good friend, came over to our house in Lago and took a picture of the four of us. On the back of the picture I wrote, ‘This is the family of astronaut Charles Duke of planet Earth, who landed on the moon on the twentieth of April 1972.’
    Then we all signed it and put our thumbprints on the back.”
     On April 23 Duke and John Young went exploring with the lunar rover in the Descartes Highlands, and he dropped the photo, wrapped in plastic, onto the surface and photographed it with his Hasselblad camera.
     He left it there. “After 43 years, the temperature of the moon every month goes up to 400 degrees [Fahrenheit] in our landing area, and at night it drops almost absolute zero,” he said in 2015.
     “Shrink wrap doesn’t turn out too well in those temperatures.
    It looked OK when I dropped it, but I never looked at it again and I would imagine it’s all faded out by now.”

    Saturday, March 16, 2019


    The Sepia Saturday post this week has it's theme around "dance". 
    But I am shocked by the murder of those poor Muslims this week by white right- wing extremists in New Zealand. 
    The world has gone mad.
    I have many Muslim friends.I weep with them tonight.
    My contribution this week is a selection of photos of  me, around the late 90's  around Halifax.
     They seem very innocent compared with today.....

    Read here: