Friday, September 11, 2020

I Shall Be Unleashed

 click:everything you will ever need to know about Dylan and dogs.....


I told my brother Zyg that I was uploading   these:
old,but newly,coloured old family photos.

 He gave his blessing."Why should I be bothered? I have nothing to hide" he said.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

A coloured widow in South Parade Halifax 1967


I've been full of Cold/Flu:staying much indoors.Sleeping endlessly .....anyway it's given me time to upload & colour more old family photos.You can see them all here  

And they are all still on display on the slideshow in  the previous post.

One bit of good news.Todmorden Pool reopens on the 9th September.Hurray! Conversely.... 




Saturday, August 22, 2020

I've started colouring 100's of my Family photos! 

My Grandfather took these shots at the Lake Saranac "Winter Festival" in 1902 in upstate New York.

He lived and worked there for a couple of years with my Aunt Brenda.

(n.b.The audio at the moment is Jackson Browne)

The family rumour was that  my grandfather spent some of his time   in The States "Prospecting for gold". I really don't know about that! (sounds like bollocks to me!) But who knows? 

Uncertainty being something of a family  tradition.....

He later became a Barber in Fife:became  a Tory Councillor:joined the merchant navy and is buried in Malta.He died in 1953. He saw me once when I was a baby. So anything is possible!

All new ones will be added to this slideshow when i have processed them.Check back frequently!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Krumlin 1970

You can even buy this new book with a foreword from Brian Highley :

Brian Highley Bio. (Festival Organiser & interviewed in this clip)


I went to this! Aged 18. I was working as a Student Nurse at Stansfield View Hospital in Todmorden..(must have had the weekend off). Still living with my Mum & Dad in Halifax. £3 for a weekend ticket. A bit of a shambles, but I had nothing to compare it with, so I was happy as a pig in shit!

My head was full of Friendz & OZ Magazines. Timothy Leary & Co. 8 months later I had jacked in my nurse training and gone to live & work in London (St Pauls Youth Hostel)

Highlights for me was listening to Sandy Denny singing and (god help me ) Elton John.


That handbill wasn't 'who' actually appeared here is a list of who finally took the stage....

Friday, July 31, 2020

Pink Floyd :Roger Waters

Mr Corbyn's Legal Fund Stands at £325,000 (Friday 31st)

my birthday!

We just went to The White Lion in Hebden Bridge for my birthday (photo by Chris) I would have prefered Haworth Old Hall but the road to Keighley is shut for several months, so we had to slum it this year!
(Clive sent me a grand Dylan audio yesterday ,that i will add here later)

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Trial of Keef Starmer

I'm in pretty much the same place that I was on July1st 2016 when I took this photo.
Me & Cath were in Picadilly Gardens Manchester.At the time of the first "Chicken Coup" against Mr Corbyn.
A Protest in his support.
Other photos from that day are here:

I notice on twitter today that several legal folk have offered their services free when/if it any future Trial happens.
 Keith Starmer will be forced to disclose some of his secrets?.
Bring It On!
Note this sum is made up of ordinary people making modest donations.£5's £10's seems the typical sums involved.(note :this appeal began on Thursday 23rd July )
This seems apt.taken at another Manchester demo.I mean, there is bugger all else to do for the next 4 years.May as well kick up a fuss!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Still My Leader

You know, I am totally unreconstructed ! Over 200000 members have left the Labour Party since Keith Starmer became to new Labour Party leader in UK.
The new Series of The Apprentice  looks like shit.

song to the siren



If you love the Blue Nile, Prefab Sprout, Go-Betweens, Michael Head and all that good stuff, then you should give this a listen..........  ...