Friday, October 28, 2016

Dont Forget To Turn Your Clocks Back To 1958 This Weekend.

Phil the X-Fireman gave me today this photo of his   wedding to Val .Over 30 years ago.I was his Best Man.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Israr in Palestine

My mate Israr Hussain ( Crossley Heath Class of 1988)  is currently in   Palestine .He is posting loads of images from   there (and added too & updated daily) Check them  out here......

He will  be  bringing back  supplies of Palestinian Olive Oil:Soaps & Scents: Dates:etc.
Next month I will posting prices here.Ideal presents for Christmas.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Corbyn Wins

In last week's post I shared my photos & videos of Angela Clarke's 60th Birthday at The Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
 This week ,I share an image kindly   taken &  permitted me by local friend & photographer Roger O'Doherty.
Thank You Roger.
It captures the moment Jeremy Corbyn's victory was announced on the Big Screen at The Trades Club on Saturday.
 Angela can be seen stood at the back,her hands raised in celebration!

Friday, September 02, 2016

i voted today:I' will see you in hell

Sea of Heartbreak for Him,You or Me?
 I really do not know yet,too early to tell....
.But ,anyway    here,   is a profile of the last living Englishman with any sort of real ammunition left......
See how this fine band nearly busted Me & Cathy's eardrums in Rochdale .This is modern England. it is not  pastorial anymore..... zimnoch.s

Friday, August 19, 2016

In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive And You Were Full Of Joy.

My search for cleverness continues..........
Me & Cath went into Manchester's Whitworth Gallery to see an exhibition called   In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive And You Were Full Of Joy
To be honest, I knew little about it,but I just loved the title! It was an electic mix of curated  stuff.
I mean,Andy Warhol and Eric Gill in the same space !

The first Gill sculpture I,ve ever was the highlight for me.Brilliant.
I'm still not a big fan of The Whitworth.It brands itself as an International Gallery.Very well healed could just as easily be in London or New York. I get no feel of Northernness or Manchesterness.Frankly ,it feels a bit up itself!
 All those comforable people coming to look at photos of homeless street sleepers, while outside the beggars of Manchester seem to multiply each time i visit the city.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

13th August : Happy Valley Pride.
So. I went into Hebden Bridge this afternoon.
Taking a look at Hebden Bridge's first ever Pride.
Really nice feeling around the town.
 Hebden has been a Gay friendly place for many years.I'm surprised this hasnt happened before now.......
I was thinking of David Cameron today. The only "brave " thing he ever did was to support Gay Rights legislation.
I guess he must have  some rich gay friends?, Because he never did fuck all for gay disabled people:gay midwives:the  gays homeless:gay public service workers:gay ambulance drivers:gay lorry drivers:gay youth;gay unemployed:etc etc.....

Friday, July 01, 2016

#KeepCorbyn :Manchester.

It's going to be a hard fight "for the soul of the Labour Party".
If we are going to put our faith in Chilcot & the 'big majority in the last Labour Leadership election ',we are fucked.
  it will be different this time..... I cannot believe Chilcot is going to deliver any knock-out blow to Blair ( establishment reports never do). yougov reports that currently ,its 50/50 for Jeremy Corbyn among Labour members.Given the media this week, that is hardly surprising .
Plus ,expect all sorts of 'dirty tricks' from Blair & co.Along the way ....( "60,000 new members this week"...they wouldn't be reporting this if it was 'bad'news would they ...?)
 It is going to be a tough fight.But (whatever the result) Socialism Maintains.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Cath's Birthday today

So....we caught the train to   York.
 I,ve not been in that city for 20 years.
'Didn't realise today was Race Day! Very Busy!Lots of Drunken Tarts in daft hats& high heels...and that was just those Stockbroker blokes from Surrey   who ,somehow decided to share the train carriage with us........!
R.I.P.   Guy Clark     who died this week.........

Friday, May 06, 2016

rustic fences & and sepia sheep.

A photo I took on   Saturday in   the  middle  of Halifax's 4    day International Street Market.
More images
 This is a sepia saturday post.My take on the theme is rustic rural fences & sheep.
As a child West Yorkshire sheep were  sepia due to all the pollution  from the  mill chimney smoke. Whenever   travelling, i could exactly  calibrate   distance from   home ,  by   the ever changing  shades in their fleece.   Essentially,Yorkshire sheep were the first SatNav's............

1994.My family's farm in  Poland.My Uncle Czeszek  with my son Chris (left):his grandchildren Marek & Mereck
2006: a photo taken by Chris on the Moors above Hebden Bridge.
1994:my photo of  Marek +chicken:Uncle Czeszek   with rustic fence behind......

We go out drinking in Mytholmroyd tonight.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

ßringing a painting into safety.

My take on this week's prompt ("bringing a painting into safety") is how do we rescue  from our collapsing world what we need to preserve ?ake  personal remains our own....
Sometimes that is harder than it sounds.Solid monuments might dissolve into sand & trickle through our fingers.........

This is a sepia saturday post.

Camille: Live at Studio 105, Maison de la Radio, Paris, May 30, 2005.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Early Roman Kings

Bob Dylan:Early Roman Kings:Live at the Century Hall, Nagoya, Japan; April 15, 2016.

Fuck Donald Trump.The man's a stupid Cunt. And ,while we are on
the subject....
Fuck Cruz ( another Cunt):
Fuck Hilary Clinton (she's a witch, you know that?):
even, Bernie Sanders.........
However, the guy below,in the video, is the real deal America , he could be your Saviour Hold Him To Your Breast !.Watch The Video!

Lots of traffic for this post.Google seems to have picked up my use of TRUMP:CRUZ:CLINTON ! Hence the "potty mouth"....

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Time, As A Symptom

Yes.We move this year.
Think of me as a copyist of  West Ham United.
I have not been too well these past 2 weeks.Not even been out socially (passed up several social functions) .A photo of my first drink ,and new haircut!,tonight in Hebden Bridge's White Lion pub...... RICKIE LEE JONES Live at the Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, Old Saybrook, CT; September 15, 2015

Mark Tyndall from Rochdale

I am sad to report news of the death of Mark Tydall.  I heard via Jim Stridgen that he died a couple of weeks ago of Cancer. he was 62 .  H...