Saturday, June 26, 2021
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐧
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
waiting for news of my prescription........
We went in the Antique Place near Hebden Bridge Surgery
It's the first time I've been in there since the start of Covid.
Lots of new 'Old Stuff'. For example this 18th century Ball & Chain . A snip at £350 .Although why ,& who for , you would buy one..I'm not sure.......
After my "Thyroid" & "Cancer" Adventures at the hospital last week..... ( turned out I'm just fat ! ) today I went to see my Blood Pressure Nurse .
Previously she had thought I *might* need 'to go on tablets' for it. Thankfully my readings today are much better, so I have been spared that. I asked her to translate all my Blood Results, which mostly are very good . No problems regarding diabetis , liver , etc The only dodgy scores were for vitamin deficiencies ( B & D )
.Someone is ringing me tommorrow to sort out a prescription for meds for this. Probably tablets..although she did warn I might need injections ( 6 over two weeks!) But hopefully not that........
Anyway , all in all, good news on the health front . My nurse was especially impressed by my kidneys . She said I had "the kidneys of a 12 year old". Which is good news for me, although maybe not so good for that 12 year old...........?
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Sweating Near The Ghost Hotel
This Friday night was almost like the olden days!
I went swimming in Todmorden and, because the sauna there is still closed, I then drove an extra 7 miles to Burnley Baths for a sweat ( that's the 3rd sauna/Turkish bath in as many weeks)
. Good to see they still have that ' Ghost Hotel' opposite it ...
Manchester UK Free Trade Hall; May 7,1965
I am Still Missing Out On Those Live Gigs
( Cath at the Hebden Bridge Trades Club watching British Sea Power)
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
I am a fat bastard
Just a quick update on my health .
Yesterday morning I went to see the consultant at The Ear Nose & Throat Clinic at Calderdale Royal Hospital , Halifax.
( He was a really nice bloke)
I was half expecting to hear him mutter words like "Thyroid" & "Cancer" .But instead he gave me a clean bill of health, other than saying if I lost a couple of stone , my wobbly -neck should vanish .
Which is a great relief, obviously . 'Seems I am still immortal , for another few days at least....!
Although it might beg a few questions as to why I was there in the first place?
At the end of the examination with the consultant , for want of something else to say , I asked him to translate the blood tests the GP had taken over two weeks ago.
It turns out they showed my thyroids were ok . Had I known this ,I would not have spent all this time worrying and 'imagining the worst' . .
I should really have been having having these conversations with my GP ( who I have neither seen or spoken to, throughout this whole process........)
Saturday, June 05, 2021
This Week
My Cancer /Thyroid appointment is now on Monday 14th June at 11 am
I had my blood pressure checked again today (possibility of me going on tablets for this !) Another check in a couple of weeks..hey-hoy!)
Here are some photos from the week...
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Postscripts # 1 & 2
An hour after my last post : my "Fast Tracked 14 days" appointment cancelled...... In theory I have a legal right to being seen within 14 days. The deadline for that would be next Friday ( the 4th June )
Plus my blood results now online. 4 out of 5 ok .but the other one not so (see details)
Maybe my invisible GP will translate eventually.......? Weekend & Bank Holiday means nobody to talk to about it until Tuesday ...providing I can get past the receptionist!
Maybe I will post on facebook and ask "Is There A Doctor In The House" ?
Anyway...... I bought some Vit D tablets this evening . I'm thinking "Thyroids" ?
Leeds and next week's hospital visit
I went with Chris into Leeds yesterday. He had a meeting there .While he was in it, I had time to kill ,so I wandered around Holbeck ( not a place I know) and took these photos.
I had my bloods tested on Thursday.
I go to hospital next Wednesday :"fast track" urgent referred..."to rule out the possibility of ......" the letter said I still havn't seen ,or even spoken to my GP .All I've had has been a 5 minute face-to face with a Practice Nurse ..and the hospital appointment was made before bloods were even taken. I honestly do not know what to think ....or how to think it !
A rather existentially nervous weekend for me!
Maybe ( probably!) I will feel differently about it next week. But at present I feel abandoned by my GP's . No doubt they are doing a grand job of box-ticking (quick referal etc) but it feels like they are just washing their hands of me....... it would have been nice to have had a human voice to explain events.....
Adding insult, it feels automated & impersonal. For example I have had two automatic text messages sent me this week that have been contradictory & inaccurate. So i spend my time talking to receptionists about their mistakes rather than my feelings .
But ,on the issue itself, there is silence. ! " Holistic Medicine" is so " 20th Century" it seems......
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Friday, May 21, 2021
The Dreaming Room.
After month's of very little , suddenly all sorts of stuff has been happening these past days...
◙ It was Cath's Birthday today.
◙ I had my second Covid jab on Wednesday.
◙ I have also seen the Practice Nurse at my GP's about a goiter-type thingy on my neck.
◙ I am having blood tests next week and the week after ( 2nd June) I have a 30 minute appointment at the EN&T Department at Calderdale Royal Hospital . I'm thinking...maybe even hoping, it's 'just' a thyroid affair...I mean it's not hurting or any other symptoms...I only went to the GP because of the vanity of how it looked..saying that , i have felt a bit ' rundown ', but that's about it.
◙ The day afterwards ,Thursday 3rd June, i have booked a session at Harrogate Turkish Baths . My first sweat in 15 months!
◙ On Friday 4th June I go to this gig ( again my first since covid lockdown) .It's run by Richard Walker , who i used to work with at Calderdale MBC,
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Hebden Bridge Today.
The manoeuvres look the same to me........and also throw The Warsaw Ghetto in, just for good measure...