Thursday, August 17, 2017

gentrifying the graveyard..........

 a video I took of Holly Lynch ,Labour MP for Halifax speaking yesterday in Lister Lane Cemetery. If you know Halifax,to get your bearings,behind her is Gibbet Street with Lightowler Road on her far left .....(site of the old Poor House). ".....he would smuggle information,shall we say "alternative leaflets", up into  Halifax from   London in a coffin..."
You can see all my photos & videos of the day

Friday, August 11, 2017

no place to hyde

.So.I am related to the author Robert Louis Stevenson.
I have described some details about this here before.Here is a transcript of something I first posted on this blog  in July 2006[view here]
This week's sepia saturday concerns 'bookish' topics.......

So.Basically.My maternal grandfather was married 3 times. He had a child with each of his wives. (My mum's mum had died in childbirth). I am not related by blood to RLS,but my Aunty Brenda's mum was on that ol'literary  bloodline.. stuff was complicated in The Olden Days .......
I'm a shit genealogist (blushes) I dont know who the old couple are (.tho the bloke isn't my grandfather.I know that much!)But this is a nice ,rare,photo of the 3 half-siblings ,all together.My Mum's  sat on the couples knee.My Uncle Gordon sat on his half-sister Brenda's knee......I guess this was taken in Scotland.Probably Perth or Fife.
Several events coming up in the next couple of weeks that will be featured here later....
  • Next Wednesday (16th) I attend an event at Lister Lane Cemetry ,Halifax  .It's the 175th Anniversary of The 1842   General Strike.4 Chartists are buried there.I dont know much about either the riot or deaths ( similar to Peterloo?) although the Mayor & local Labour MP will be in attendance."Brass Bands and refeshments"they say..... ! Let us eat cake While we mark  the   "Plug Riot"
  • Next Sunday (20th) at Albert Square  Manchester me & Cathy go to see (among others) actor Christopher Ecclestone (a former Doctor Who) read out the Peterloo Massacre "NAMES"
  • A week on Thursday (24th) in Hebden Bridge Pubs  (k.o. 4pm) I will be having a few cheeky drinks to mark my retirement.
Below,a slideshow my    photographs  from the 2015 Peterloo Memorial.
Read About The Peterloo Massacre here

A nice bonus for me was finding thislocal blogspot which seems to cover similar terrain.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

have you herd?

So. There was this dream.........a couple of nights ago. We arrived to find  my late mother ,Marjory.Dressed up in her finest. Looking very determined  " I Mean Business " she said,firmly.........looking like a castle with a scar across her shoulder....

"After the advent of Christianity, the goat or God Pan with his beard, cloven hoofs and horns, later became associated as the unofficial image of the devil........"
This week's  sepia saturday
topic is around the theme of "goats".(Ummm...that's what I herd, anyway.......)
 So where to go with this one?
While I pondered this problem  ( not having any sepia goats myself,on my person )  i went on facebook for alternative  inspiration.
I visited a page that posts old photos of Halifax.A few years back i found an old photo of my Mum (working in a Infant nursey ) there..........  that i never knew existed!
This morning I may have found another?
Its taken inside St Mary's church on Gibbet Street in Halifax.It's   of a  Polish Mass  sometime in the 1970's. The priest holding the service is Father Gaik.
Now, I may be mistaken but the figure on the far right,back row,(black hair:brown top)  looks very much like my Mum!Maybe it;s not her at all?It's just that there is something about the way she holds her body,reminds me her.
I dont know if this possibility makes me happy  or sad........?
Pondering this ,while  in Bradford this morning on business.Having an hour to kill at lunchtime. I walked around
Hoping to find some goats carved or painted somewhere .No Joy, although i did capture some splendid William Morris stainglass windows & fabrics.albeit,goatless.......... By pure chance,i was later at a meeting in Halifax this afternoon...a 100 yards from where i lived as a child with my Mum& Dad.After the meeting I took a few extra photos of the building i knew best as a child......

Friday, July 28, 2017

you have made a happy man very old............

Hebden  Bridge: 1920's

I took myself to Bacup today. I visited are some photos I took.Lovely bloke

So the  sepia saturday theme this week is "bridge"
As I was in Hebden Bridge this weekend. How could I resist? 
I turn 65 on Sunday.
(I retire from work-again!in  the middle of August.)
I keep checking my mirror.My skin is already  turning it goes.......

Friday, July 21, 2017

people say believe half of what you see

Had me  a long talk with Norman Perry.I told him about how I used to live & work in the East End of London.what a nice bloke.
He seemed interested in me,as person,rather than some sort of voodoo doll.Refreshing  to find a willingness to  engagement from someone in a pub band, rather than they expecting me just being  some sort of 'extra' in their  vanity    project......

I went into Halifax with Comrade Ken& Phil the Ex-Fireman.
We went to The Upper George Pub .

i am hoping to go to this.Expect photos.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cath's Birthday in The Grimy Republic
Thanks to Martin , Tony T.,Daz & Jim for a splendid afternoon in Manchester.......
It's Cath's 59th birthday this weekend.

We went into Manchester Friday to see an Exhibition that opened yesterday  at Manchester Art Gallery. It's  Shirley Baker's
photos of Working Class Salford in the 60's.
Cath goes to The White Eagle Lodge in Rawden ,Leeds on the day of her Birthday.
They are almost like Family to her..........

Friday, May 12, 2017

always the Fire Exit never the front door........

The U.K. Mainstream Media is just an organ of government.
It is not independent.
It's propaganda.
It's Pravda
.It has & is doing every dirty trick possible to scupper Labour's chances in the General Election here.
As an indication of how News is hostile here is a rare example of Labour being able to bite back. It shouldnt be this way.It shouldnt be remarable .Sadly it is...... BBC presenter Nick Robinson interviewing Labour's Shadow International Trade Secretary, Barry Gardiner .

Thursday, May 04, 2017

birdbox ,bluebells & butterflies.

In the Garden:a Birdbox Chris just finished today.

Below a slideshow of my visit today with Cath to Hardcastle Craggs:

Wednesday, May 03, 2017


I travelled over to  Royton,(nr Manchester) today to attend Joan 's funeral ( Hydn's wife).Held at St Pauls Church .A massive place ,which  was packed.
An impressive attendance for a beautiful lady.
Rest in Peace X
[Capo ]Martin took this photo of me near Royton Cricket Club, which hosted a meal for the mourners afterwards.
Thank You Martin for the lift to & from the Mills Hill railway station.
As I say, hundreds attended Joan's Mass.
 It lasted 80 minutes ( with a seperate cremation afterwards).
An Anglican/Cof E affair...yet  much "smells& bells"..more 'Catholic' than even recent roman catholic services I have attended  (remember I'm Polish,I know about such things!)
It's the first time ever I have taken the host &wine from a protestant vicar......very moving......
It was also good to meet up with 40 or 50  people i hadnt met up with for at least 12 months.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The fortune-telling lady. Has even taken all her things inside.........

A photo taken near Todmorden in 1975 by the splendid photographer Martin Parr

has , as it's prompt someone hanging out washing to dry.............
 The above is cheating really....i took it out of my Abruzzo bedroom window only eight years ago,Hardly "old".....but I think it perfectly captures the timeless ballet that is "hanging out one's  washing" art form that crosses both time and space ...........
(click to hear the BobCat) I see Bob from Bacup on Wednesday who celebrated his 81st Birthday  last week.He has moved house recently  & has just come out of hospital after eye surgery.
Bob from     Bacup
I also go to Royton to attend the funeral of Joan,Hydn's lovely wife. Hopefully  i meet up with some  friends from The Rochdale Hamam.
Also ,thru the week,I should be seeing Ken& Phil in Calderdale for a drink.First time for ages........

 Incidently.....Great News from Newcastle.The Turkish Baths there  will be reopening !
 I expect I shall eventually be testing the facilities (I hope they provide clean towels.......)
You may check  progress  [here]
me,as human clothes- horse, in an Istanbul Hamam.Look at my Gut!
Clare Road , Halifax    HX1 2JR
"......In one doll, the upper half spun and where her hand pointed at the end of the spin was the fortune for you...".       [read more...]
Another Martin Parr washing line.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

life size: full size anatomical skeleton

C'è un medico in casa?
I nearly kicked myself as I was driving through Sowerby Bridge today.
Could it be  the onset of election fever?
Driving past a mid terrace house, a van was unloading boxes & furniture 
A family was moving into the house .
Just as I passed, a young lass,maybe 9 years of age, was carrying a life size anatomical skeleton ( bigger ,of course,than she was ..) through the open front door.
What are the chances of that happening? 
You could easily go through your entire life & never see such a thing! I didnt have any  time  to find my camera. 
This May well rank as one of the best photos I never took.....
Peter Hitchins (writing in The Daily Mail)

Below ,Mathew Parris  in  Friday's TIMES

Thursday, April 13, 2017


This week's sepia saturday prompt photo is of a sister & brother looking happily,lovingly at one another.
I took from this that the two  kids didnt really  care that the photographer was there or not. (S)he was incidental and  accidental .
They would have  looked  that   way anyway......
With this thought in mind .My offering for this week's post
is  below.
A photo of my Mum.Aged about 3-4? 
It's taken in a bus shelter on Portobello seafront in Edinburgh.1930-ish?
. The elderly lady is My Mum's Aunt Nellie.

I remember Aunt Nellie well from my own young  childhood.She was ,obviously much older/smaller & wrinkly then! She was  nearly 100 when she finally died.
I even stayed in her house in Joppa .We used to visit her when i was roughly to same age as Mum  in this photo.I remember travelling upon a   steam train  ( The Flying Scotsman?) directly from Halifax Railway Station to Joppa Station ( pre-Beeching )
    My bedroom   in Joppa  had a  big brass bed! If i stood on tip toes & looked outside  I could (if  I stretched!)  view a tiny corner of the sea ,' just visible from the  top  right hand corner of the  window
    There was lots of "family politics" floating about on the horizon...... .Even by the late 50's/early 60's.
    Aunty Nellie lived alone in that house near the sea.
    Her sister Aunty Margaret lived with my Aunt Brenda 100 yards away on the other side of the busy main road into the city.
    They never visited /talked to each other for  perhaps 20   years......
    (How strange  to be so close , yet so invisible........)
    We stayed at Nellie's and visited Margaret for Tea. Nellie of course never joined us.
     I still dont know the cause of the feud.They didnt have blogs then.Who Knows.......
    My Mum as a child was  passed around various family members ( Her own Mum dead in childbirth & her dad at sea and remarried)
    .My Mum showed me this photo a few years before she died.
    Here  we  see  her and Nellie.
    She said they had not been "allowed" to meet at the time......
    But evidently they did! but in secret .
    (I never thought to ask who the photographer was. )
    What is even more poignant , Nellie looks very much like my Mum did  in her final years.......
    Make of that what you will.
    Your guess is really as good  as mine.although I cant help thinking that that Me ,brother Zyg my Dad & Mum staying at Nellie's &  not at Margaret 's was meant as a "statement".......
    Meanwhile.Things are still shit for me.
    Various worries currently.
    It really pisses me off how people seem to think me laid -back . I'm not really .I keep it  too myself generally ( apart from to the world!)     😎😎😍😎
    We even got a letter recently criticising us for posting a photo of us smiling on New Year's Eve. We must not be "that bothered" ,obviously!
    Photos hide more that they reveal. Although that is ,i    believe ,a bloody good haircut wot i got today !!
    Not bad for a bloke who is 65 on July 30th........!
    Anyway.The best bit of news I,ve had this  week is that "The Blitz" Tearooms in the Square in Hebden Bridge is closing down!
    (tripadvisor link)
    Bloody Appalling place IMHO.
    Perhaps they may now open a Tea Rooms in Syria instead?
    'Never did like the concept. Fake Nostalgia. Now, had  they served Spam& Powdered Eggs & dressed the waitresses in stripy Concentration Camp threads..well,maybe it would have worked..
    but,as it was, the place just reeked  of Brexit & Nigel Farages socks and farts.......
    Saturday update: we went to an Art Exhibition in Hebden Bridge at north light studio.I saw a very regal (royal) family hiding behind screen ,spying on us.........

    Friday, April 07, 2017

    jesus in a basket

    we   are   all playing  at dying......
    My son Chris took this photo of me hanging-out in the Republblica Grimy region of Italy. Even i can get a little cross sometimes.Although (notice) i was still  vain enough to take my glasses off for a "photo opportunity".
    a big ciao to all my visitors & "friends" in "Italy"

    e 'altamente probabile che ........

    La famiglia di mia moglie che vivono nella Repubblica Grimy  ,  sono così crudele stupido e prevedibile che la prima cosa che farà è andare e tradurre questo testo "Google Translate"! fica tristi

    n.b.   for those who dont know the region ,  a  rough guide to The Repubblica Grimy can be found [ here]

    𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐬

      New haircut in Hebden Bridge